Chapter 44

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"killing is an art. The method is the sketch, the body is the canvas, the blood is the paint, the weapon is the brush, and Death is the product"
- Suzue Reed

Chapter 44: He who died, He who kills

"look at this" i pointed at the first person who died and he immediately stared at the sketch .

"what's in it?"

i sigh tiredly and pointed at another one.

he followed my finger and intently observed the sketch, i pointed at another one and he observed it too.

"what did you notice?"

"nothing" i click my tongue and pointed at Felix's body

his eyes widen and stared back the three first sketches and his jaw drops.

"Deicide isn't a person who has an experience with killing. as you can see his stabs are messy and isn't precise causing some of the blows to hit the sides and below resulting to a unclean stabs."

he nods in understanding and stared at the sketch of felix

"the stabs in the body of this person.."

"he's not just a person"

"this person is clean and precise, all the stabs are on point to the man's vital signs, the kilelr probably is very eager to kill he person because he targeted his heart to which is a huge mistake because deicide...'

i pause and roam my eyes at the other pictures.

"doesn't stab his victims to their heart"

"why?" a smiled curved in my lips causing him to stare at me confused.

"to make them suffer... continuously stabbing in the stomach won't kill you immediately. the victim's mind will have the enough time to process the hit causing him to feel all the pain."

he frown and a disturb expression flashes on his face i lightly giggle and continued.

"if my guess is correct... this Deicide person is a person who admires the fear and pain expression of his victims.. it's his stimulant"

stimulant... how nice.

"if you think that it deicide probably improves his killing then you are surely wrong" i pointed at the latest kill. the man Ethan and i saw earlier.

"it's clean but the messy stabbing is still there"

"what about the scratches?"

he pointed at the scratch in the man's neck and then to his nail

"why did he scratch himself?"

"he didn't, it's the work of the perpetrator. The man's nails in his right hand has a blood in each nails and it's just in the tip showing that he didn't scratch the killer but grasp his arm instead, so tightly that it causes to bleed"

i pointed the scratches and showed him my sharp nails.

"to cause that scratch you need to have longer nails and the scratch has five which is impossible considering that you are in the danger."

he raises his hand and acted like he's scratching his neck and nods.

"but those discoveries of yours isn't enough to point out who's deicide"

"but i have a clue" he stared at me startled and with curiosity.

"Felix has his eyes opened and a surprise expression in his face tells us that he knows who is his murderer. Augustus has his eyes opened too in has a surprise expression as well. i am certain he knows who killed him"

"but deicide didn't killed felix" i inserted my right hand in my pocket and yawn before answering.

"yeah he didn't it's the person he least expected but the the way augustus died was full of vengeance. the stabbed to to deep and so many this indicates that deicide killed him to have his revenge."

"so that means knows Felix and augustus"

"Augustus killed felix" a voice appeared and we both stared at the source and it landed towards charles. this is the first time i heard this plain looking man talks.

"Charles? how certain are you?"

he stared at me then to lucas.

"i saw how augustus loathed Felix, he's so jealous at him and tried many ways to scheme his death. when Felix died i am certain that he's the cause of it, i saw his clothes clothed in blood and the bliss in his face"

my eyes landed at his bandaged arm and hums.

"what happen to your arm?"

he stared at his arm and flexes it.

"a bear attacked me and grabs my arm, i manage to cut his arm but its nail manage to scratch my arm"

"i see, sucks to be you huh" i lazily said causing him to smile lightly and nod.

lucas keeps on staring at charles' arm and then shifted his stare towards me before moving towards charles.

a smile of amusement appeared in my lips and i sigh when i remembered the clothes.

"i need to go back i still have a brat to take care of" both of them nod and i started walking towards the door when i notice Ajax bandage arm too.

humming i walk out.

when i finally arrive the inn i was greeted with a blank eyed Ethan wearing a huge shirt.

both of us stared at each other and i sigh noticing his annoyed demeanor that suddenly crept out from his blank facade.

i walk towards him and carried him in my arms. he wrap his arms around my neck and mumbles incoherent words.

"sorry i went to the guild" he just clicked his tongue and hid his head in the crook of my neck.

i was about to take a step upstairs when i notice xavier staring at us.

my eyes landed at his arm when i notice it covered with bandaged.

"What happened to your arm?" i lazily asked causing him to widen his eyes and stare at his arm, he slowly flail it and i hid both his arms behind him.

"i accidentally scratch it on the sharp edge of a table" i nod in understanding and stared at him for a few seconds.

"i never thought of you as a clumsy person" he smiled and sweat drop a bit.

"I as well" i snicker and started walking upstairs.

i carefully glance at ethan and saw him sleeping. silently i entered the room and found my sister already asleep. i put the kid gently down on the bed and turned the lights off.

silently i covered Ethan with the blanket and went to lay beside him.

i once again yawn and closed my eyes. i am so sleepy just like yesterday and the day before yesterday... well Today was eve-

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