Chapter 62

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"'Don't judge the inn by its cover'"
- Melannie Yap

Chapter 62: Land of Nero

it took as a day to arrive is our destination.

to travel towards the land of nero required 2 days of nonstop walking. luckily we have a horse.

Ethan hop down the horse and i followed after him and help was about to help jasmine get off the horse when she just carelessly hop down.

i stared at her blankly and lowered my hand.

i keep forgetting that she's not lilith for the time being.

the three of us stared at the huge gate and the line of people entering the land.

we went to stand at the end of the line and waited

"why are they so many visiting today?" jasmine asked curiously.

"Land of nero is known for their ocean bodies. the ocean is refreshing and beautiful many wants to visit here" i explained and roam my eyes around.

"that makes sense" she said and sigh softly and stared at the people on the front line.

"Hey! what the hell are you doing?!!" my eyes landed at the man grabbing a young man on his arm roughly and kick him.

my eyes examined the young man and he looks like the same age as me. his hair is a beautiful shade of green that would remind you of nature.

his dark red eyes looks so dull and dead but they were not emotionless like the kid beside me. him looks like he gave up on his life.

the man kick him causing him to fall in the ground lifelessly.

everyone thought he's dead because he seems like he's not breathing.

his eyes suddenly opened and met mine... i lazily stared back and look away while yawning.

i didn't bother saving him, it's not my character to do so and beside he seems like he's not asking for one.

"Fucking slave! so useless!"

i glance at jasmine who seem like she want to help the young man. he stred at em and i immediately shook my head as a no.

"Why?" she sadly ask.

"he's a slave. We have no choice but to stay away from their business"

She sadly nod and i swear i could see a light pout on her mouth.

luckily, she's not the same as my sister who want to save everyone in distress.

"Ahmm suzue"



"Just call me Ezu"

"oh ah okay"

"What is it?" she hesitate. the line finally moved and we immediately followed.

i was about to hold ethan's hand when i couldn't sense him beside me.

i frown and stared behind me and saw the same man kicking his slave. my eyes narrowed when i notice his greedy expression while holding ethan on his shoulders.

"HOho i didn't expect to see a vampire in here. why don't you follow me and i'll give you anything you want" bastard.

my hand heavily landed on his shoulder causing him to halt and glare at me.

"Who the hell are y- ahhh stop stop stop stop what are you doing" i coldly stared at him as i grip his shoulder tightly.

"your filthy hands dared to touch my brother. you have guts"

Suzue ReedWhere stories live. Discover now