Chapter 59

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"The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun."
- Christopher McCandless

Chapter 59: leaving

"Come on let's get out of this hell hole"


"what?" both of us stared at each other with confused face. one who's genuine and one who's acting.

Today is our final day in this place. i fortunately able to persuade jasmine to come with me and not with tristan.

"anyway if you are done let's go"

i stood up with ethan in my arms. i silently fix him in my arms and carried the bags full of our clothes.

"that's our only stuff?" she ask, startled at the fact that we only have one bag


her eyes widen in disbelief.

"What about the clothes for a week?"

"These are only good for two days, if done using throw it. we can buy more. don't worry about the money, we have enough money to buy any thing you want."

her eyes narrowed and she throw a few curses towards me causing my eyebrow to widen.

this is new to me. my sister doesn't curse that much so hearing this lady curse using my sister's mouth...

... is a bit disturbing.

i just shrug at her response and walk out the door.

"Die you rich bastard" i heard her whisper causing me to snicker.

i guess, this kind of lilith is not that bad.

When we left the inn. the whole townsfolk surrounded us with warm smiled and a grateful expression on their faces.

they all bowed at us, especially to lili- jasmine and thanks us.

"Eh? what? huh?"

I smiled lightly watching her startled expression.

"In behalf of the people of Gi, we are very thankful for your help on eliminating deicide, and helping one of the villages in this land. Here"

The grand master showed a golden key and handed it to lilith who accepted it confused.

"That's the key of this land... using this you could freely come and leave this town and the vault of this place"

"V-V-v-Vault?!" Startled Jasmine almost drop the key and her jaw hang open and her eyes seems ready to pop out from their socket.

i snicker again watching her expression changing fro disbelief, reluctance, joy, bliss, shocked, and uncomfortable.

her expression are more colorful than my sister and.... it's very amusing to watch.

"No.. i.. i can't accept it. what if i steal all your currency?!"

her reaction made everyone smiled in relief.

"you-" jasmine paused and her brows crease and she seem confused.

her expression relaxes again and she continued talking.

"i just your support and the help of the guild when i needed it... i don't need the money. here. i am very thankful but your acknowledgement and loyalty towards the dukedom of avaeleon is enough"

everyone praises her benevolence and dedication towards the duke and cheered at the lady.

while i remained staring at her with unreadable expression.

Suzue ReedWhere stories live. Discover now