Chapter 69

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"I am certain that i can finish it today, but i have this feeling that i can't seem to figure out. it feels like i already know it but i don't. it feels like i know what to do next but doesn't know what to do"
- Levi Daniels

Chapter 69: Levi Daniels (part 2)

[Suzue Reed]

"i am currently working on a chemical that would cause envy from my other peers and might also be the reason for my career to reach the peak"

he said all of those with a straight face.

I feel like i am the one embarrass by his words and he seems telling those with an obvious tone on his voice.

It's as if he's certain.

well he's telling the truth though.

I don't know what chemical he's currently working but the way his eyes sparkles in certainty makes one unconsciously agree.

"I am certain that i can finish it today, but i have this feeling that i can't seem to figure out. it feels like i already know it but i don't. it feels like i know what to do next but doesn't know what to do"

... he's talking gibberish.

anyway... as expected of a genius...

ugh... why can't they all just die?.

"Tch" he stared at me with a raise eyebrow

"Why are staring at me like that?" i scoff and shove away the disgust expression i am showing.

"anyway can you stop it?"

"I guess"

"What?" He showed a confused expression causing me to snicker.

"are you stupid i am not a mage. How should i know"

he rolled his eyes and inserted both of his hands inside her lab coat pockets.

"then do you know someone that can stop i-"

"Why are you so desperate?"

i questioned him causing his sentence to be cut off. he went silent and stared at me with unreadable expression.

"As you can see just like you and the other three you are with, i am just a tenant as well. i need to finish the chemical so i could leave this place..."

he pauses and didn't continue talking. but i know he have something to say more.

so i waited... he seem to notice it and continued.

"i grew up in Dasos. my teacher who's a mad scientist took care of me. he's a disgusting human that took pleasure on dissecting living things and experimenting him. he's a manipulative and calculative man.

Everyone is afraid of him and hates his guts. so when he died many were overjoyed. But before he died he told me to leave the land and never come back if i couldn't make something that would surprise the entire land. no not just the land but throughout kronos"

"Then why don't you just stay here?"

jasmine asked causing him to stare at her in disbelief

"That's impossible"

"the Dasos has a rule that if you are born as a dasos citizen you will die as one, Whoever break this rule would be sentenced as a traitor. Death is the punishment"

noah softly explained causing jasmine to widen her eyes in surprise.

"that's too much"

"Yeah but that's the only way to ensure that the people living in the land will forever live in dasos"

.... i have a feeling there's more to this rule.

"by the way... what's you name again? who cares? i sure don't. are you acquainted with the owner of this inn? melannie yap?"

the mad scientist stared at me in silence and shook his head

"I only met her 2 years ago and we never exchange words that would exceed to a thousand"

i glance at noah and saw him nibbling his lower lips and i stared at jasmine who's fingers are in her chin.

both of them are obviously thinking about something, something that can help us escape this loop.

or a clue that would lead us to the culprit.

"Why do i have the feeling that she's part of the reason of this amnesia phenomenon?"

i heard noah whispered to himself.

i rub my earlobe and hum lightly.

his voice is already soft and quiet, whispering lessens its volume more.

luckily my hearing is reliable and i am beside him.

"Ezu, when we first met melannie i felt something from her and talking to her can make me understand it more"

i glance at her and waited for her to continue.

she squinted her eyes, pursing her lips. i watch her get lost in her thoughts

"i can't really put my finger in it, it seems like she's felling an intense infatuation?"

"You mean she's in love?"

"What love? love is not real, there's no such thing as that"





"hmm" we all stared at noah who nod while humming in agreement.

what the hell is wrong with this two?

"i said what i said"

"I agreed to what she said"

The pair told me,the other with a apathetic expression and the other with gentle and innocent expression.

"Anyway, i need to go back to what i was doing. if you need something from me just call me?"

we watch levi left the room and fell into silence.

we need to find the person behind this loop, i guess killing her will do the job.

yeah i just assume it's a her. because so far melannie yap is the only suspect and the most suspicious.

i only need to confirm two things to be certain that it's her.

"let's go out have our lunch, we need to stop this loop as soon as possible. prolonging it would be troublesome"

the three of them nodded and we all left the room.

our stay here didn't benefit us a bit, it even gave us some trouble.

we still need to expand our connection in this land and gain some brainless followers.

i mean loyalty from the people.

i guess after this we will go to the dasos and then after giving lucas the card, we can just go back here.

yeah that's a plan.

ethan immediately wen to seat in the chair and we followed.

a woman who i think a helper in this inn went towards us and waited for us to say our orders.

"the recommended breakfast bunch please"

the waitress smiled and went to get our food.

"oh it's you guys~, here for a lunch?"

melannie appeared beside jasmine and we all stared at her.

her damn steps are so silent, i didn't heard it a bit.

they were different from the last time is saw her.

i stared at my shadow when i notice it returning to me.

a cold smile slowly rose on my lips.

'found you'

Suzue ReedWhere stories live. Discover now