Nights that Feel Like Stardust {Rewrite} {Act 2}

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Ok so I used to have a book up on my acc called "Just A dream" and it was my first fanfic. I deleted it because the writing was awful and I didn't wanna update it- but I really wanna write a oneshot rn but I have writers block so I'm doing this to get myself out of writers block. It will only be the first 3 chapters that I posted in this collection (the original chapters will stay up in this collection too)


Tella awoke all to sudden.

Her heart pounded in her chest, threatening to rip itself out from what she just saw. Frantically, she looked to her right to see Legend sleeping with his limbs entangled with hers. His usual smell of ink and heartbreak was especially livid tonight, being eventuated from the breeze flowing through the open window.

Tella imagined to anyone looking it, would appear as if a nightmare had laid with a dream. A sight to behold, nonetheless. His arms felt warm encased around her. But the fear and shaking of the dream made Tella decide to get some air.

Carefully, as to not wake him unnecessarily, she untangled herself. Tella sighed at the loss of heat and comfort as she stepped outside of her bed chambers into the cold night hall.

There weren't many things someone could do in a castle during the middle of the night. If Tella were still a child, young with a heavy heart and carefree mind, she imagined she would run about the castle searching for hidden passageways and lost memories.

She was no longer so innocent and pure. But sometimes during dinner parties she was forced to attend to, by her sisters wishes, she let her mind wonder in such territory. Dreams and nightmares of adventures and clandestine thieves. How she wished she could be five again, when the world was pure.

   But it seemed, being grown had its advantages.

   She smiled to herself; Legend.

   What a rarity it was to have him in her life. An immortal who gave up his many lives for her. A romantic sentiment she had never forgotten. At first, Tella had felt guilty about it. Carelessly scared about him accidentally getting himself killed and it being all her fault. But I'm the months passed, she had remembered Legend was not delicate or fragile. He was not breakable, and if he was, he would not break. For all he had gone though in his long life, staying alive seemed the easiest.

   Tella took a breath as she walked back into her bedchamber. Every time she tried, she could not forget about her nightmare.

   The glass doors, that shielded the balcony from the inside world, were kissed by light blue curtains that somehow glittered in the nighttime- most likely Legends doing. Leaning on the cold metal railing, Tella let herself reevaluate her dream. What once felt like a blissful place where Legend and she could escape into whatever lovers day thoughts they wanted, had been tainted by him.

   Him, who couldn't seem to leave her alone.

   Him, who haunts her dreams every night.

   Him, who-


   Legends faint whisper clicked her out of her enraged rant. She walked to him and laid her head on his chest, savoring his warmth once again.

   He leaned on the doorframe, rubbing her back through her sleeping gown, "Everything ok?"

   Tella pondered the question for a moment. Truly, not everything was not okay. Legend was ok. Legend was more than ok. But her nightmare was not ok.

   Tella was not ok.

   She debated not telling him. After all it could just be nothing. It could've not even been Jacks at all. Just a stray fragment of a nightmare. A cruel joke her mind had decided to play on her. But, if she indeed forgot the Prince of Hearts, she risked forgetting she was his weakness. He would never again overpower her or make her afraid. Someday, she thought, someday maybe he'll fear me.

   Tella fed into her morals and told him. The nightmare spilled out from her mouth into the air faster than roses fall from their stems.

   His eyes widened.

   "You said he wanted something. What was it?"

   Tella pushed off his chest and looked up, "I don't know. There's no object we have that he would want"

   Legend cupped her cheek, his eyes still in a look of skepticism, "perhaps it was you?"

   She shook her head, "he and I both made it abundantly clear our story was over".

   "Maybe not an object then... but a person"

   Tellas pupils dilated in rage.

   Destiny, their daughter.

   Destiny was around the age of five- old enough to know not to talk or make deals with strangers. Especially blonde haired men with blue and crazy in their eyes. She also held an immaculate power. One that still hadn't show itself, other than a few sparks here and there. They both knew she wasn't completely defenseless. As any child could do, she could kick and scream. Her family being influential and powerful in the Empire also helped with her safety. Legend had taught her to use a bayonet as well. Not a lot of protection, but enough to not worry in the middle of the night.

   No one would be able to be strong enough to break into the castle. Even then no one would be stupid enough to steal a princess. But if Jacks was in the castle-

    Glass broke and the faint noise of a child's scream broke through the air.

   Even as fast as they ran, Destiny was not in her room. There in the middle of her chamber, laid a note written in ink and bad taste.

   Dearest Donatella,
I've been told your daughter is around the age of five- and I am heartbroken I wasn't invited to the christening. I've also been told she will one day possess a power. One that stems from not only the Master of Caraval, but the witch who created him, as well as the daughter of the fallen star. Do not see this as ill will, but us Fates leveling out the playing field.
All the love in the world,
The prince of Hearts


I'm very tired lol

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A Collection of Caraval Oneshots {Fanfic}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt