A Walk with A Rose

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Tella and Legend taking a walk in a dream during Legendary.

Timeline: During a dream in Legendary.

Next Fic: Stardust Flowing from an Open Window

MK ladies listen up! If the mans tells you he isn't going to online school then doesn't show up one day and snapchats u sayin he's in online school, that's sketch and u need to yeet that.

TLDR: My friend likes this guy who told her that and I'm like... he's using you. But she doesn't believe me so...


Tella's midnight black gown skirts flowed whimsically behind her on the hard stoned path. Freckles of white littered the bottom lace of the dress, meaning to appear as stars laying in a vast ocean of night. The long sleeved ensemble ventured towards her collarbones, but stopped around her shoulders, exposing the top of them to the pale moonlight. Black lace folded itself down deeper into a low triangular neckline, bursting with elegance. The wrists of the sleeves had small golden white curves thrown aimlessly around the cuffs. But she didn't have to examine the fabric to closely to know its was Legends name written upside down.

   The moonlight reflected its haze into Tellas attire, just as Legends gaze settled on her. He strode by her side, far enough away so they wouldn't brush arms, but close enough to speak to.

   The Master of Caraval was dressed in a deep coal coat with white frills sporting the sides, much like Tellas sleeve, but their weren't enough letters to spell Legend. Tella could make out one, a T.

   She eyed him as they walked the long garden pathway marked by large rose bushes, "I never thought you favored black on me"

   A ghost of a smile appeared on his lips as he stared at the clandestine moon, "I've noticed what you always seems to mirror a small part of my heart".

   "And here I was thinking you'd changed your mind"

   He chuckled roughly and peered at her, "if you want me to compliment you all you have to do is ask, Tella".

   "My sister told me not to accept compliments from troubled boys" she said, rolling her eyes.

   Legend raised a brow, "and look who that got the attention of".

   Tella laughed for the first time that day thinking of her sister. Scarlett had forever been so cautious and kind hearted, always quick to follow the rules. How the flower drank it's poison she couldn't figure out. In part truth Tella didn't want Julian to come back. Not that she didn't like him, but she knew Scarlett loved him. Eventually they would live together and that would leave Tella right where she began.

   But she decided it was no use taking the pill before it was prescribed.

   Tella peaked at the rose bushes beside her, "How are things in the castle?"

   "How are things with Scarlett?" He continued all to quickly.

   Tella furrowed her brows, "why are you avoiding the question?"

   He didn't answer.

   Until he did.


It was short but got me out of a writing slump :)

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