A Child of Stars {Act 3~Finale}

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       Please read this before the fic:
This fic is part of another Caraval fic on my account called (Just a Dream). I'm sorry to say I'm deleting the other chapters.

Primarily because I don't feel like updating it anymore and it wasn't fun to write. I have a main book on my acc and I'd like to focus on that and this collection of oneshots more.

I'm also not to proud of it anymore. I wrote it a long to time ago and I don't like the writing or the story and it's just all... blah.

I hope you understand, plz don't be mad ❤️

Though, I'm going to upload a few chapters that I know I was really proud of at the time for memories :)
Also please note I wrote this years ago so if the writing is more juvenile than the other fics that's why.

   Destiny could hardly sleep that night.

   Tommorrow she would turn five and she could no longer bare the anticiapation. She was of course excited for all the things that came with someone's birthday- but the reason for her sleeping fit was Caraval.

   Every year the game happened to fall on her birthday and every year her father would make a part of it for her. Caraval was a dangerous game- one she knew to never forget wasn't real. Being as such her parents didnt let her go near the main parts-usually the most dangerous. Though she begged and pleaded and used her baby doll eyes to their fullest extent on her parents, they wouldnt budge.

   However a small outside part of the game Legend would make just for her, it was always her better than any dream she ever had. Her father always found a way to make each year different and she couldnt wait.

   Her fourth birthday however she would like to repeat. Her parents brought her to a part deep in the forest. Thick deep green leaves turned to soft rose petals as she entered the terrain. Her father took her hand and walked her across a river filled with glitterly blue water, while her mother watched them. Half out of curiousity as if she herself didnt understand what was about to happen. Legend bent down with his daughter and told her to look closely under a small, plump, bloodred mushroom. There she found the best present she could ever recieve. Tiny fragments of glowstone flew through the sky like dandelions seeds that were released from their stemlike prision. It took Destiny but a moment to realize it wasnt glowstone. Her father had told her the story last night. A tale of little people blessed with the ability to heal plants and people with a thought. Telling her they were called faeries. Which made Destiny all the more exicted to find out what would occur tommorrow.

   Destinys little heart flittered with anticipation.

   Her room gave of a smell of hope and childhood.
But everytime she was about to fall asleep, her thoughts would flow to Caraval, which made her her mouth peak up at corners. Making her to happy to sleep. A thought whispered its way across Destiny's small head, perhaps she could use her baby doll eyes to at least get a hint at what tommorrow would bring.

   Climbing out of her bed- which was much to big for someone four and half- Destiny made her way to her parents room. A cold chill up her spine stopped her dead in her tracks...

   She turned around, the window was open. Peculiar Destiny thought, though she shook away the statement as she made her way to the oposite side of her room and closed the glass window.
Another chill...

Not good-

   Destinys parents warned her if she should ever fell in her gut something was wrong- she was most likely right and should tell them right away. She intended to do just that. As she turned her satin blue night dress danced in the air like stars in the sky, as   

   Destiny ran determinded to find safety in the arms of her mother.

   She was stopped by pain. A pain she hadn't ever experienced, one, a four year old Destiny couldn't place a name to. She felt her heart wither and break like glass on a marble floor. Destiny cluched her chest as tears flooded her eyes and her peripheral vision slowly clouded. No sound came out of her throat. Wether she gasped for air or screamed for help she couldnt remeber as she fell, her other hand accidently knocking down a vase that had been filled with freshly cut roses.

   An old tradition. Fathers would give their daughter a rose on the eve of her birthday in a away to promise her beauty and love. Of course her father didn't just give her one rose- but a bouqet.
Her flowers wilted and faded to black as an icy unwelcoming wind incircled her room. Blood ran from her hand to the floor, where she currently laid- unable to move.

   Strong arms brusied the side of her waist as she was picked up unlovingly. Wether from pain or heartbreak Destiny didnt know, but everything faded to black.

So this is the last act of my old series (read the top of you don't understand what I'm saying)

Thank u to everyone who read it originally it was my first book on Wattpad and I'm really happy so many people supported me ❤️

As of now I'm going to focus on this Collection of Oneshots and my series The Sins of Mates and their Souls

If you wanna help me out you could read either books and I also wanna thank everyone who makes requests and reads and votes ❤️

>If you have a request leave it in the comments<

A Collection of Caraval Oneshots {Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now