Illusionst and Magicians {Act 2}

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No prompt for this but it's a continuation of the last part.

Timeline: Post Finale

Scarlett hurriedly paced back and forth through the throne room.

In just a few moments the castle guards would open the balcony doors and the royal family was expected to be there, rejoicing in Hopes day.

It was a holiday that was celebrated in the Meridian Empire yearly and marked the day of Hope. People would write their wishes on paper and burn them for luck, paint stones for fortune, donate to charities for peace, and at the very end of the day, lift a lantern into the sky to remark on where they had been the year before.

It was expected that the royal family were to lift the first beacon of light into the starred night sky, and yet Tella and Legend were no where to be found.

Scarlett wasn't worried about her sisters safety. Though she and Legend had never been on the best of terms, she knew he would die for Tella.

But Scarlett had specifically told the princess this was important and they really couldn't miss it. Of course her sister had always taken longer to get ready than everyone else, for more reasons than one Scarlett noted, but they should be here by now.

"Everything okay?" Julian said as he approached the empress.

She looked up with worry in her eyes.

"No, your brother and Tella still aren't here. I told her this was important"

He smiled and shook his head.

"I love you, Scarlett... which is why I'm telling you this. Your sister and Legend are not coming".

She frowned and voiced her words with sadness.

   "How are you so certain?"

He swallowed, "I just am"

Scarlett rolled her eyes, "what could they possibly be doing that would keep them alone and possibly in a room together for hours on end?"

Julian chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

He smiled once more and kissed her forehead.

"Nothing, your just adorable"


Tella held Legends calloused hand tightly as they both ambitiously giggled and ran across the beach.

They both smiled the entire way as he lead her to an amorous empty dock.

Legend turned to Tella and held onto her waist, toying with the delicate ribbons of her bodice.

The touch sent chills up her spine, her back arching as a result. Legend took that as an unslipped invitation to gently kiss up her neck and jaw. Placing delicate kisses on the soft skin as his eyes turned rather sinful.

His attack moved lower as he ran his lips over every bit of exposed skin on and under her collar bones.

Tella smiled at how perfect this moment was in relation to the holiday they were supposed to be celebrating.

She knew Scarlett would be pissed as ever at her, but didn't want to think about it right now. Instead Tella wanted to enjoy this moment with Legend, considering last year she didn't know if she would ever get to hear him say he loved her.

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