Someones Mother someones Daughter {Act 1}

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Song Title: Epiphany by Taylor Swift

Prompt: "Maybe could you do one about like Scarlett and Julian having a kid or Tella and Legend raising theirs?"

Timeline: Post Finale

Act 1: aka my favorite
I get Uwus from Legend and destiny's relationship... That's true love babes

Also this turned into a Legend and his daughter having bonding.... sorry Tella ;)

Also the next act will be Scarlett and Julian for all you Juliette fans...

Legend walked down the marble corridor to the inevitable end of the castle library.

He was looking to see if the castle archives showed who the empress's real lost heir was. There wasn't any rush to retrieve the information, but rather he was curious if Scarlett was the real heir to the throne. If she wasn't perhaps he could make it the theme of this years Caraval.

Stepping into the bookish room, Legend observed the air spelled of dreams and magic. A smell he had come accustomed to throughout his life, yet something about it smelt familiar.

He turned the brisk corner to move towards the non fiction section, but something small caught his eye in the opposite section. He could see her down the space where the shelves lined up, and was instantly confused why she was here.

Legend walked towards his daughter sitting near the fantasy genre. Destiny's small back rested harshly on the shelf behind her, the ripples in her navy blue dress wrinkled from her legs being sat to the side on top of one another. She had a thick book in her hands with a red cover that fell delicately in her lap.

"Destiny what are you doing?"

His daughter turned to him and smiled


Legend lifted his eyebrow playfully and let his lips tilt upwards

"You can't read, though"

She was only four, and though she wanted to learn, most of the castles teachers said she was a bit to young to comprehend the dreadful words. Tella had taught her a few here and there, but she couldn't read or write coherent sentences just yet.

"I know some of the words"

Legend put his hands in his pocket

"Which ones, darling?"

Destiny opened her mouth but closed it the rolled her eyes. She tilted her head, making her inky black curls sashay around her shoulders.

Legend sat down next to her, replicating the way she sat. She rested her head on his shoulder as he pointed to a word.

"You know that one?"

She smiled, "wonderland"

He pointed to another, "And that one?"


They continued the game for a few minutes, some Destiny knew but most she didn't, she knew around fifteen words.

Destiny handed Legend the book.

"Can you read the first few pages. Mommy told me the story but I wanna hear the words from the book"

The Master of Caraval smiled at her. How could he refuse?

"All in the golden afternoon
Full leisurely we glide;
For both our oars, with little skill,
By little arms are plied,
While little hands make vain pretence
Our wanderings to guide.

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