Fake Cards

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Prompt: Destiny during her teenage years at school, but badass (I loved ur fic abt her finding faeries) bring the angst Lily.


I was working on a winter special but it wouldn't let me post that either so I may post that In the future if it lets me.

This fic was requested anonymously.


   The note was terribly written.

   Inked curves were jagged and scribbled around where neat lines should lay on the thickened parchment. The black ink pen had been pressed so aquatintely that drips of midnight colored liquid had pooled around certain letters, making it unbearable to even look at.

   Terribly written from a terrible person. Which should have been the first red flag.

   Destiny had received the letter five minutes ago and couldn't find it in herself to even read it. Her curiosity was peaked, but it seemed her intelligence had control over her actions today. Her brain warned her not to pay mind to it, simply because of who had given it to her- April.

She didn't trust the woman at all. April had never really given her much reason to dislike her. But something inside the princess just deeply hated her- for one reason or another.

A memory that had stuck with Destiny throughout her life popped into her acquainted mind.

They were young. Small enough to still believe in hope and take naps in the afternoon. Cold weather rained it's parade throughout the season, bringing snow flurries during winterfest. Destiny had been talking to her cousin about her findings of faeries in the woods, babbling on about how excited she was to see them- when April had spoken up.

"Destiny you can't honestly still believe in magic, can you?"

The princess had been confused at first- of course she believed in magic. It was real after all. How could April be so blind.

Destiny replied bluntly, "Of course I do, who doesn't?"

She scoffed, looking over at the Sebastian before answering again, "When will you learn to grow up?"

"Maybe your not smart enough to see it?"

Her face had gone pink then, funny how a simple line could completely ruin someone's conversation.

Destiny had leaned that April didn't believe in magic that day. Perhaps, it was hatred association. She didn't believe in magic which in turn means she didn't believe in Destiny. But it had to be something more. Something, deep inside the princess that gave her bad feelings about the girl.

If she had some empathy for her in some way, she may have pitied April- never knowing the true feel of power thrum through your veins. A tragedy worth of Shakespeare's writing it would be if Destiny ever lost that magic. It was in some ways the only thing that tethered her to this reality.

Maybe that's why she flipped the note over and read it.

| Tell me everything that happened last night |


  Glamoured crowds shuffled throughout the courtyards, chattering amongst themselves about life as they know it. Destiny stood alone amongst the many, choosing to stay behind to ponder at the crowd instead of going to her normal lunch table. That was until April approached the young princess.

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