Sing to me till I fall asleep (Act 1)

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Prompt: "Sing to me till I fall asleep- Juliette (it's a song, and I think the title would be a cute concept for them) ❤️

Timeline: Post Finale

This ones accidentally a bit short because I had to write on Note pad because my power went out and I couldn't see my word count :(

    "So you sing?"

   Scarlett asked the question with a cool tone as she sat on the white marble balcony ledge. She overlooked the city and the lanterns her people flew into the night sky.

   Scarlett had quickly decided she liked this holiday.

   Julian chuckled in response as she turned her gaze from the empire to meet his.

   His golden brown eyes fought hers with a fierce intensity, reminding her of how all the love in her heart belonged completely to him.

   "On occasion" he said as he their foreheads meant.

   Scarlett smiled, "Will you sing me to sleep?"

   He chuckled again, "No, my love"

   She brought her head back from his, "why not?"

   He didn't answer, instead he brought his lips up to meet hers. Scarlett noted how he tasted of willful desire and love, a combination she was addicted to like Legend was to games.

   Julian broke the kiss for a second so they could both catch their breaths, then connected their mouths once more. He slid his hand up to cup her face as she leaned her head back in silent ecstasy.

   Instead of breaking the kiss again, Julian moved his mouth lower to her jawline then neck, pressing kisses until her soft skin was laced with his taste.

   Scarlett made a sinful noise then opened her eyes quickly and pushed him away. She stood up and pulled her bodice up, even though it hadn't been any lower than when she had first put it on.

   "Someone might see us"

   He moved so their bodies touched and held her gentle face in his calloused hands.

   "Let the world know I love you"

   Julian initiated another kiss and this time she didn't push him away. Instead Scarlett wrapped her arms around his waist and pressed herself closer to him.

   But as the sky got darker so did Scarlett's grip on consciousness.

   Her eyelids became heavier, and before she fell asleep she briefly pondered where Tella and Legend had ran off to. She was still slightly upset they missed to lantern lightning this evening.

   But she didn't let it cloud her mind to far, because before long she had fallen completely asleep in Julian's arms.


   Scarlett awoke to hear a voice singing in her ear quietly.

   She couldn't make out the words, so she assumed they were in another language. Though, it wasn't hard for her to recognize the voice the strung along the sweet melody.

   His arms wrapped around her waist even tighter, as her heart fluttered at the sound of his voice.

   It was like buttter on a scone, and Scarlett had never heard anything like it.

   She found herself wanting to compliment him on it, but knew if she let him know she was awake, he would stop singing.

   So she lay in his arms as he sung rosy French words into her ear and heart as she slowly fell into the sweet cocoon of darkness. 


Part two will be a TellaxLegend and it will explain the holiday and what's going on a bit better.

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