Knife Throwing Poppy

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Prompt: Lills, since I'm your favorite best friend- write more Legend and Destiny fluff... need somethin to tide me over until we get the collectors edition in 2 weeks

Timeline: Post-Finale

Of course Ashley 🙄

"Straighten your back a bit"

Destiny rolled her eyes at her fathers truthful words as she reluctantly followed his wishes imperfectly. She smoothed her spine so she stood as if she had more confidence then a woman was allowed, strangely liking the feeling of power. Her dark blue buttoned up long sleeve shirt straightened as her back did, the silk fabric falling down only to be tucked into her leather pants. Perhaps, the princess thought I should allude to strength more often...

"Are you paying attention?"

   Destiny perked her eyes up- she hadn't.

   "Yes" she said lying through her teeth.

   "Then what did I just say?" Legend retaliated.

   To that the young girl had nothing to say. Feeling less powerful than before, she turned away, now facing the dense sea of forest that lay around them. The trees were filled with dark leaves and the air smelled of rotten cinnamon, winding up the barks- the princess was sure it was haunted from the moment they'd arrived. Something about the crisp wind that encircled the area sent chills up and down her spine, warning her substantially. She turned back to face her father and shook her head to his earlier question- though it was probably more a statement.

   He let out a breath, "Bear in mind your targets and strike when your absolutely sure you'll hit them. Nothing breaks the illusion of power more than missing your shot".

   Destiny nodded and strengthened her grip of the ruff holder of the pointed knife. She didn't have to look down to know calloused would end up there.

   Her father bent down and moved her arm slightly up, "bend your arm back and don't loose track of the objective"

   The princess followed his wishes once more, staring holes into the frank block of hay she would engrave with the thick blade sharper than any words. Another cold breeze flew around the scenery, making both illusionists' deep midnight hair flow in the coughing air.

Point and aim, Destiny don't disappoint him, she thought to herself.

   Taking in a deep breath, the heir to Caraval let the blade fly through the air like the sharp wings of a crow.

   Landing a perfect shot...

This is short because it's 11pm and I'm TIRED.

Actually it's 11:11 so make a wish.

Also this is really just some backstory so you guys understand why Destiny is like she is lol

My collectors edition comes in two weeks- and I'm fully excited for it.

To request a oneshot go to the request rules chapter

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