Champagne Problems

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Prompt: Destiny being jealous/sad over Sebastian (being the angst)

Timeline: post-finale
Title: Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift

Just a warning this is a lot of angst there isn't really much dialogue it's just Destiny and her thoughts. It's important to remember she is a teenage girl and with this fic I wanted to show her struggle a bit

This fic was requested anonymously

Rain leaked from the clouds like acid in Destiny's tears. The cool rims of the marble windowsill chilled her tan skin as she sat atop it. The glassy bay window opened, letting the cold night rain fall every once and while onto her skin. Dim wind blew around her cheekbones as the sound of the dew drops echoed through her ears like broken hearts.

   Her mind was encircled in thoughts. They danced through Destiny's subconscious like her life was a game made for their pleasing. Wicked things she couldn't help herself but to think. Wether it be jealously or anger, Destiny felt anguish. For no greater purpose then to fuel her damaged mind as some kind of cruel pass time.

   She couldn't be perfect like everyone else, like they expected her to be. Destiny was broken, damaged, hopeless. Her heat beat heavily as she tried to act umbothered. Like their words meant nothing but ash in the wind to her, as if she could fool herself.

Sebastian was better than her- in every essence, in every sentence, every person they meant, every stare and motion and unholy church, Sebastian was better and would always be. People loved him, adored even. It seemed, to Destiny, people were always frightened of her. As if they could somehow tell she had more power in her than meets the eye.

   She did, have power. But what was the precious hold of power when no one around you truly saw you for you. Or what she could be.

   Destiny exhaled out a low breath, thoughts rummaging about the people in her life. She had learned, through time, her life was to chaotic to involve other people. She stayed away from people, for her sanity it was necessary.

How had she ended up like this? Destiny recalled being a happy child, but it seemed these days all she could do is think about how not good enough she was. How she constantly tries to better herself in hopes someday people wouldn't look at her in fear. She wished people wouldn't look at her at all.

By all accounts of other people Destiny was attractive- she remembered when she was young she felt anything but. She would see other girls waistlines and measure her own, see how other girls talked and tried to emulate it. Destiny had once tried to be everything the perfect girl should be, before she realized the perfect girl doesn't exist. Every standard is different, and the only standard that really mattered was the one she held herself to. But that standard was one no one else would understand, because it was a miracle for her to wake up one morning and not feel like she had the power to murder someone.

The wind howled whispers of names long forgotten into her lips.

Sebastian was downstairs at the ball, greeting foreign dignitaries. Destiny had spent awhile down there, waving and talking. But, as most things, it got to be to loud.

Every girl in the kingdom wanted to be with him, every person wanted to be him, he was wanted. But who was Destiny? She was just another person in line for the throne- overlooked or looked at to scrutinize. How was it possible to feel like an outcast and fit in to well at the same time?

She replayed their violent stares in her head, like stars on fire. How they feared her. They moved their children away from her- as if she would hurt them.

Rain echoed long down the base of her throat.

If they wanted her to be the bad guy, she would be the worst villain this Empire had ever known.


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