Catching my Breath

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Prompt: Tella does something bad and her and Scarlett get in a fight about it

Title from: Evermore by Taylor Swift

Timeline: post-finale, pre-legend daughters birth

I added some accidental LegendxTella (it got low key spicy) and some protective legend and Julian.

I also made Scarlett a bit violent on accident oops-

This fic was requested anonymously :)

(Present time)

"I can't believe you did this"

Tella rolled her eyes once again at her sisters words. Scarlett wasn't very often dramatic but it seemed today she wasn't in a great mood. Tella supposed she was probably partly to blame, however.

   "I'm a princess and a grown adult, I can do what I please and I wish you would stop trying to make me into something I am not, and will never be"

   It was Scarlett's turn to roll her eyes- very unusual to her normal behavior, "I just want you to be a bit more punctual, on time, interested in actually taking part in this kingdom".

   Tella sneered, "Like it or not, sister, this is your kingdom not mine. I am not interested in it and never will be".

   "That doesn't excuse what you have done"

Tella spun around and face the Empress and spoke in a low tone, "the only thing I have done wrong is not live up to your standards"

   Scarlett's eyes narrowed pointedly. An expression Tella has seen so few times growing up with her. It seemed, Scarlett was always happy, or at least looking on the bright side of things.

But tonight, Scarlett had been far from happy. Tella knew she was the reason why.

The day stuck out like a flame on a burning candle in her mind.


Tella loved waking up.

The princess had never been a morning person. When she was younger, she would stay up as long as possible as to not have to wake up in the morning. The confines of bed were always so warm and inviting, a comfort she never wanted to give up. But who she got to wake up next to made her want to encase herself in the close throws of the duvet and never wake up; Legend.

Her eyes were still closed as she laid in bed, but Tella knew he was awake, gazing at her with his hurricane black eyes.

These days her bed was extra warm with his heavy heart encased around her dreary eyes. She slept in his arms more often than not and often awoke to his head lying on hers. Today was no exception.

The arm that wasn't holding her from the underneath started idly drawing small circles on her bare stomach, the top cloth of her nightdress having been pushed up slightly by the moon and stars of her dreams. His hard lips kissed the top of her head ever so delicately, like the comfort of a lover at midnight.

"What did you dream of, Tella?"

Tella rolled her head to meet his eyes. They resembled the night sky on a sleepless night in December.

She smiled, "You, of course"

"And what was I doing in these dreams?"

A Collection of Caraval Oneshots {Fanfic}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon