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Prompt: JulianxScarlett on Scarlett's birthday.

Timeline: post finale- pre legends daughter

I'm back!

Dusk had settled in Valenda as Scarlett's heart painted heart had settled in her soul.

Today had been an important day, as it was the Empress' birthday. Festivities were planned throughout the wide empire- by the rich and poor, young, old, loved and hated. People gathered and cheered in the town, singing and dancing.

Oh how they danced!

Couples and singles alike turned the city's center into a mix of liquor, lights, and laughs. Drunken men and women scattered the streets now that dusk had come, making love in the heart and soul. It reminded the Emperess of her sister, wherever Tella had gotten herself to tonight. It was an interesting thing to see from Scarlett's perspective- the differences between her and her sister and how Tella compared to the towns people and their idea of royalty.

   Her sister was a free spirit, born to wander and find adventure in her heart- adventures so tragic and romantic they had become lovers talk with Legend. Scarlett was born to settle and be wrapped with thick layers of love- almost like a warm blanket meant for cold nights.

  Scarlett sighed as Julian's hands roamed down her sides, stopping just to grip her hipbones as they both stared out the window. The night sky had settled by, dark as Julian's eyes. Light stars, barely visible, coated by the steam of smiles of children and their pure hearts. Hearts crystal clear of bad intentions, unlike Julian's at the moment.

Her husband kissed the inside of her neck as if he was tasting her, letting his lips linger for a couple breaths.

Scarlett smiled, "are you going to taste my neck or did you have something to say?"

She could feel him smiled against her sensitive skin before he spoke, "can I not kiss my wife on her birthday?"

The Empress rolled her eyes and leaned back into his chest as his calloused hands touched hers and held her waist from the front. Scarlett closed her eyes, leaning back, "where have you been all day? I only saw you for a couple hours and the festivities you had to attend"

"Orders from Legend" the side of his lip crooked up into a sultry like smile- the only sign she knew that he was lying.

"Why would you take an order from Legend? Your the Emperor"

He ran his hands from her front up to the soft sides of her shoulders, cupping his hands around them, "I'm still apart of Caraval"

"I don't like it when you lie to me, Julian"

   "Who says I'm lying?"


  "Fine" he put his hands on her waist, "I was getting something for you"

   She turned with curiosity embedded in the souls of her brown eyes. Scarlett hadn't remembered Julian giving her anything today- one of the few people of the empire that hadn't. A Soft hand covered her eyes eyelids as whispers flooded through her ears from a sound- the sound of her heart. Ruff fingertips drawed at her wrists, leading her away.

   The sound of her heart was a mans voice, familiar like the call of midnight. It felt like the sheets at midnight, when their being ripped up lazily out of desperation.

   Scarlett opened her eyes as Julian wrapped an arm around her neck, lacing a necklace- connecting it in the back. She looked down to see a golden chain with a charm on the bottom. Intricate swirls of white emended themselves on a locket shaped like a heart.

  She opened her mouth to talk but he put a finger over her lips before she could make any sound.

   "Before you yell at me- no I didn't spend anything on it. I stole it from my step mother long ago. It suits you more than it ever did her"

   Scarlett looked up to his gaze. The necklace was definitely a few centuries old, something Scarlett would've bought for herself if she was alive all those years ago.

   She smiled and mumbled a thank you as he kissed her forehead.

   "happy birthday"


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