Curious is the heart

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There wasnt a prompt for this one but I was really curious what would have happened if Legend had come to Tellas room in Finale.

Timeline: Sometime during Finale

Also I wrote this a long time ago and I don't like it so just skip to the next oneshot 0-o
Tella picked up the Immortal Book. The Russica, if her memory served her correctly, was its name. But Tella thought the Immortal Book was a much more attarctive name.

   She went to set it on her cold, marble nightstand-but something stopped her. A flicker of golden light made its way into her eyes, intriguing her interest.

   Jacks had told her if someone were to spill their blood on the golden locket of the book in her hands, it would show that persons entire life story.

   Tella's curiousity had always been above average. Or at least when you compared to Scarlett's. Tella's mind had always traveled to the farthest places of the Earth, looking to decipher every code and explore evert ruin.

   So, before the thought had even crossed her mind, she had already picked up a blade.

   Tella lowered the sharp iron knife to her delicate palm and sliced a minor cut. Deep red blood flowed from her pale hand as Tella lowered her palm to the golden locket of the Russica. The book made a resounding click, as the hard leather of the cover opened slowly.

   The pages were the color of broken dandelions, strangely reminding Tella of Legend. He had told Tella he would come to her room tonight, she may have believed him, if she hadn't heard his talk with Julian.

   The coppery smell of blood hit her nose as the red liquid from her palm moved from the golden locket to the paper. Deep reds mixed with red violets, formed intriquetly spelled sentences with matching numbers across from them.
A Table of Contents

   Before Tella had a chance to read the words, a knock at the door registered through her ears. She sat on her bed, if she were to stand to properly let him in, she feared the blood would get on the plush sheets, and inturn on her as she slept.

   Tella reminded herself she was far from proper and instead said,

"Come in"

   Tella hadn't registered the pain from the insision until Legend spoke. His voice was ruff- almost like he had debated with himself to see her tonight.

   "I should've known you would get curious" he said walking to her side then looking down at her. His eyes slid from her mouth, to her neck, the book, then settled on her hand. He put his hand under her own, lifting it into the air.

   Her blood shined in the moonlight that snuck through the open windows. A slight breeze beckoned the curtians as a cloth appeared in Legend's free hand. A sound of slight pain tumbled out of Tella's lips, as the damp cloth made contact to her palm. The only thing that kept her stable was the feeling of Legend's hand under her own.

   "Next time you feel like giving me a heart attack, do so on the tip of your finger. Its less messy and painful" Legend spoke in a voice so low it sounded like a whisper, sending chills down Tella's spine.

   "Coming from someone thats had a heart attack, I'll make sure to heed your warning next time" She answered.

   His eyes made way to hers-or at least she thought they did- as Tella looked from him back down to the book in front of her.

   The titles were strange, but Tella suposed so was her life. If someone would have told her a year ago she would be sitting in illusion made to look like a house with Legend, the immortal Master of Caraval, she would have denied it profoundly. Wether from denial her life would ever be that magical or of fear her father would hear the rumor.

   Looking at all the heading she noticed a peculiar title- Donatella Dragna marries the Prince of Hearts. Her heart beat so loudly Tella thought it might jump out of her chest. Legend must have spied the peculiar title to, because he took his hands out of Tella's and flipped to the page the Immortal Book spoke of, with a fast intentsity.

   The crisp paper made crinkling noises as Legend finally got to the intended chapter. How Legend could read upside down Tella hadn't the faintest of clues- she would think about it later, right now she was desperate to understand what exactly Jacks had done.

Then it clicked

   Jacks never wanted to take away her grief. He knew her plan to exact revenge on her mother would end in the death of the Fallen Star, and she would need the Rusica. He knew she would never willingly marry him. He knew that now their souls were tied together in an immortal bond. He knew...

   Suddenly everything made sense. Every snide comment, everytime he foreshadowed his actions, his undying passion to rip Legend apart.

   Tella set the book on cool, dark blue sheets.

   "Im going to murder him" she said with a lethal
calm attached to her voice.

   "Tella, wait" he said, almost cutting of her words before as if he knew what was coming out of her mouth before it escaped her lips.

   His hands clasped down on her shoulders and slowly made their way down to her hips as he kneeled on the floor in front of her.

   He tilted his head up and connected their eyes,"Let me make you an immortal".

   Tella opened her mouth to respond but he spoke before she could deny him,

   "Just hear me out... if you want to murder him- physically you can't, but if you let me take your mortality... I promise you'll be able to exact as much pain on him as possiable"...

   It was so hard for Tella not to say yes. It would solve so many problems...

She wanted to murder Jacks
She wanted to have Legend
She wanted to her sister back.

   But she just couldn't find it in herself to say yes. Being ageless was one thing but never being able to love anyone or anything ever agian...

   "I- cant..." she said with all the guilt in the world. If it would solve all her problems... perhaps she was being selfish.

   Tella didn't have time to think about know, instead she stood up and walked to the door conmected to her chamber.

   "Let me come with you"

"No, this has been coming for a long time... and its something I need to do on my own. I can fight my own battles now"

   She was about to make her way when she felt a hard pressure on her wrist. Tella turned to find Legend already gazing at her. He once again cut her off before she could speak,

"Just- I know I can't stop you, so just- please... be careful" He whispered, Tella could still smell the fimilar sent of ink and heartbreak on him.

   Her ownly answer was a slight nod before she walked out of the room. But she could have swore Legend looked different for that moment- almost... human.


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