Your such a Dream to me

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Song title from: REM {Ariana Grande}

Prompt: "Could you write one in which Jacks comes back... or just after Donatella wrote the letter to Legend to kidnap her?"

Timeline: Post Finale

*I started it like right after she wrote the note so like no time has passed since the end of finale*

Year 1, Scarlett Dynasty
Dear Caraval Master Legend,
I no longer believe you are a liar, a blackguard, or a villain, but I'm wondering if you'd like to become those things again, because I would very much like your help

My sister is about to become an empress, which will make me a princess. I know you might not see this as a problem, it I assure you it is. I was not meant to wander around a palace or be followed around by guards. But I don't want to make my sister look poorly by misbehaving; I promised her that I would not cause any scandals. So I need you to, please, cause a scandal for me, Legend. Kidnap me and take me on a new adventure.

I know it's not really kidnapping if I ask you to steal me away, but I think it would be fun to pretend. I also think it might make a very interesting game, and I know how you like to play.

Yours forever,
Donatella Dragna
~Stephanie Garber {Finale}

Legend read the letter for a third time.

The pieces of his life had never been important to him. He merely saw them as things to use, or they were just simply there.

However, his world had become precious now. Especially where it pertained to her. She was his only reason to care.

He gave up his immortality for her.

And for the first time in a long time.

He hadn't regretted a decision.


   Legend found Tella in the library. Strange considering she didn't like reading all the much. Perhaps she had been so bored in the fifteen minutes since Scarletts coronation happened, she resorted to reading. Her mind always did crave more.

   It was one of the many things he loved about her.

   Leaning on the magnificently large dark oak door frame, he spotted Tella was in fact not reading.

   Instead she was causing a trouble with the old proper scholars that practically lived in the book room.

   Legend laughed to himself at the thought of her actions. It made more sense that she found fun in annoying the stuffy scholars, then reading an old fashioned book.

   When she spotted him, she smiled.

   It wasn't a warm or fulfilling smile, it was a sharp 'look what I'm doing, this is awful, but I love it' sort of smile. She turned her head back around to face the scholar, who was looking rather flustered, and continued her game.

   Her blonde curls draped across her shoulders and her back, shinning in the sunlight pouring through the windows. The tight fitted lily blue dress she wore had a magnificent train lining the back of it. A layer of blue sheer lace and fabric complemented her hips as it hung around them and followed the train, parting in the front so she could attempt to walk. It bits of gold dimmed down around it as the sunlit sky faded to a twilight.

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