Just a Dream {Act 1}

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   Please read this before the fic:
This fic is part of another Caraval fic on my account called (Just a Dream). I'm sorry to say I'm deleting the other chapters.

Primarily because I don't feel like updating it anymore and it wasn't fun to write. I have a main book on my acc and I'd like to focus on that and this collection of oneshots more.

I'm also not to proud of it anymore. I wrote it a long to time ago and I don't like the writing or the story and it's just all... blah.

I hope you understand, plz don't be mad ❤️

Though, I'm going to upload a few chapters that I know I was really proud of at the time for memories :)
Also please note I wrote this years ago so if the writing is more juvenile than the other fics that's why.

   Tella knew she was dreaming. If the feeling of dreaming had not been confirmation enough, the dress was...

   Tella had always loved extravagiant things- dresses, jewelry, and objects of the sort. However the word extravagiant wasnt sutiable for what she wore tonight.

   It was a tight bodice encrusted with small diamonds around a sweetheart neckline, that glimmered when light reflected on it. The full gown was shades of dark blue and grey- a color that resembeled lost memories and heartbreak.

   At first a strange dress and to plain to be anything associated with Legend. Until stars from the night floated from their place in the sky to her dress. A mix of pure silver, gold, and a color so beautiful Tella couldn't put words to describe it. Some clustered together to make galaxies, others simply seperating themselves- if such a word could be used to describe it.

   Looking up from the dress, one that only a godess could wear that had somehow shifted itself onto Tella's body, she noticed where she was.
The air smelled of love- an aroma Legend now often favored when it came to her dreams. The ground had soft grass that glowed pale green in the moonlight, with small wildflowers scattered about.
In walking distance there was a small river. But instead of water flowing through its core, it looked as if moonlight itself ran through the stream, disguising itself as water only as an act.

Another sign she was dreaming

   She took a step, planning to explore, had a voiced not sent chills through her body.

   "Hello Donatella"

   Words were not something that usually did Legend's face justice. It was one of the few beautiful things in life one had to see in person to take it in fully. However not even in person could someone fully take in what he resembled in the moonlight.

   She imagined he was probably thinking the same of her.

A smile made its way across her face.

   "Hello Legend"

   His eyes narrowed, "What sort of trouble are thinking that would cause you to smirk so devilishly?"

   "I wouldnt be the girl you fell for if I wasn't always thinking of trouble".

   "You are irrifutiably correct my love"-he held out a hand-"I remeber I wanted to dance with that girl at a ball once, but never got the chance to"

   "What stopped you from asking the first time?" Tella said as she took his hand.

His callouses scraped her skin as their hands intertwined and they began to sway.

   "I believe a certain prince stole her away from me"

   "What a pity"

    "Yes, she looked an angel when she danced. Though her personality was nothing short of devilsih" he said as he spun her around.

   Tella faintly remebered the night they spoke of. The only reason it stayed in her consciousness at all was because Legend has escorted her to the ball. After she killed the Fallen Star and the Fates had escaped Valenda, she made it apparent she didn't want to think about Jacks at all.

   So in those years since they'd left she had forgotten all about him, until Legend had brought it up.

   "Where do you think he is?"

   They stopped dancing

   For a brief second the world flashed white.

   Legend looked at her in her eyes with his deep blue irises, that had no doubt fooled many into trusting him.

   "Do you miss him?" He said, suspiciously more inquisitve then jealous- actually the way he said it had no trace of jealously.

   She peered into those blue eyes- blue eyes? There weren't many things Tella didn't know about Legend- just as Legend didn't completely know everything about Tella. Though she was certain he wanted to know every detail about her, there was one thing they both knew about each other completely.

   Their appearance

   And Tella knew Legend did not have blue eyes. She also knew he did not smell of apples. Which meant...

   "No" she answered, unlocking their hands and taking a step back. "But it looks like you've been thinking of me if you entered my dreams, Jacks".

   The look he gave Tella was one she had never seen on Legend and never wanted to- a smile only the devil himself could've worn.

   "Well my love"- he said as his feature quickly shifted to the Prince of Hearts she had come to loath-"thats disapointing. However Im not here because I missed you. Im here because I want something from you".

   She looked at him with inquistive eyes, "And what would that be?".

   He smirked, "Wake up and find out".

Please read this too:
1. If you didn't read the top do that it's important to this series

2. The second part of this will is out so scroll up to read it

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