Little Bloody Rose and Scared Daisy {Act 1}

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Prompt: "A young Sebastian and Destiny pulling a prank on their parent, and the getting in trouble"

Timeline: Post-Finale

I love these two... My favorite fics to write are Legend and Destiny fics but my second is definitely the shenanigans that surround Destiny and Sebastian's relationship :D

Also we're almost at 4K... thank u

   "Hurry up, Sebastian"

   Destiny quietly wailed the words as she ran down the palaces dark hall, her cousin fleeing behind her.

The castle was filled with amarionous darkness sweeping its walls with moonlight etching from the windows. Starlight clung to the air smelling sweetly of secrets to which the two planned to fly to tonight.

The pair hadn't wondered the castle past bedtime too often. They knew if they were caught harsh words would ensue, though the reasons they would occur would be different.

The Emperor and Empress would be disappointed with their son. Aunt Scarlett having told him time and time again he is an heir and should be careful as one.  But her parents would be more understanding. They knew the only reason the princess protested sleep was because of the escapable dread of what dreams would bring- nightmares in her case. Yet, they would still be unhappy.

"Be quieter, Destiny" Sebastian shushed, his dark brown hair swaying in the wake of his run, "We shouldn't do this"

   The princess hauled her movements to turn and face him, her mother's amber eyes narrowing with ecstasy, "Don't be such a baby".

   Sebastian crossed his arms, ruffling his white shirt, "I'm not a baby- I'm reasonable..."

   "And boring" she scoffed turning to look towards one of the towering windows, opened to see the night sky with stars peeking.

   With widened eyes, the prince responded, "your the one reading all the time. You never want to play with the other kids"

   The heir to Caraval looked stricken by his statement, as if it could've caused physical damage.

   How dare he say that? Her child brain thought.

   She turned back to face him with a ravenous look, "the other kids disappoint me"

   A cold breeze flew through the palace just then, chilling those unlucky enough to still roam its halls in the dawn of midnight. Destiny's raven curls flew around her small tan shoulders, causing her to rub her arms to try to create friction.

   Sebastian looked unaffected.

   Yet the prince sighed and dropped his arms, looking defeated, "I hate it when you do this,"

   Destiny tilted her head and look strangely at her cousin- rambling through what he could be talking about in her head.

   "What do you mean?"

   "Not everyone had magic, Destiny. Not everyone can read at the age of six and not everyone has parents that just let them do anything they want. I wish you just act normal sometimes".

   Her lips fell.


   The insult had been flung at her more than once. Other children had never really connected with the princess, often feeling different towards them. While other girls her age spoke of the newest dresses and the courtly positions they hoped to marry into, Destiny liked learning how throw daggers from her father and studying the math behind her power. She had found peace in the characters written on pages of ink in the castle library, choosing to spend more time there then playing outside with others.

   She didn't resent the other females, but sometimes the heir wished her friends were real.

   Sebastian was well loved amongst the other school children, as was Destiny. But she didn't feel the same longing to be their friend as they did her. She hated it when they crowd around the two, asking for recent court development news and falsifying rumors for their parents. Her cousin would always reply as he had to, being the heir to the throne.

   Sometimes when she felt the most internally alone, Destiny would pretend the kings and Queens on playing cards were people. The princess would spend hours teaching herself how to trick and fool them in hopes her father would give her an important role in this years Caraval.

   Yet he always told her she wasn't old enough.

   "Being normal is boring, Sebastian. But being a baby is even worse"

   The prince lifted his hands and lowered them to her shoulders, pushing her back, "I'm older than you, I am not a baby"

   Destiny creased her brows together, "then help me mess with the maids"

   She didn't wait for him to answer, instead she turned and started running with her head turned back at him. She laughed when his eyes widened, before her tan skin crashed into something hard. The princess heard the sound of glass break before she felt the pain and saw the red etching of blood pool around her.

"Your majesty!" A maid squeaked, helping the small girl stand up.

Sebastian was at his cousins side in a moments notice, enveloping her in his warm coat to help whatever was bleeding stop.

Destiny didn't have time to think about the pain. The only thoughts that circled around her mind were how pissed her father was about to be.

And how much she may have just disappointed him.


Part two comes out realllll soon

Also unedited so point out mistakes please

I'm writing it right after this one so it should be within a few days.

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See y'all lateeerrr

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