Save the Date

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Prompt: Julian and Scarlett on their wedding/date night

*At the end of Finale ngl I cried when they got engaged...*

Timeline: Post Finale

-Also this is very very long-

A year.

   It had been exactly one year since Julian proposed to Scarlett. At first she couldn't wait to be married to him.

Since she was a child she had dreamed of her wedding day. But she had never thought it would be for love- which complicated things.

Scarlett was no doubt happy to be married to her fianće, exactic even, but she was also scared. Scared about what her future would bring, scared to see how a arranged marriage and one for true love would differ.

She heard a gasp,

   "You look beautiful, Scarlett"

   Her sister words made her already jittery nerves jump around like the rain on a lily pad. Tella made her way up to stand beside Scarlett, as they both looked into the icy cold mirror.

   "Thank you, Tella. And what will you being wearing this evening?"

Her only answer was a smile. Scarlett had done as much as she could for her wedding. She wanted to plan every little thing like she had dreamed of for so long. However, it was a tradition in Valenda that the bride's closest family member would do the planning. Scarlett had begrudgingly followed the ignorant rule, she didn't want to start her legacy by disrespecting her people. Plus, to Scarlett, rules were a good thing. The more rules there the less likely something would go awfully wrong. Knowing Scarlett and Tella's luck, something usually did.

   Tella had been strange about it though. She had
started a month ago and at first she seemed to throughly enjoy it- looked forward to it almost. But two weeks before the current date, she had looked as if she was about to vomit everytime she had to continue. Scarlett had found it strange considering the only thing her sister had loved more than parties was planning them. She had asked Tella multiple times if she could still do it and her sister reassured her she was happy to. However that hadn't stopped Scarlett from worrying. Tella had looked adnormal. Sick even.

   But she was happy with the outcome of it. Scarlett had gotten to pick her wedding dress- thank the Fates it was bad luck for anyone other than the bride to pick her dress. Scarlett wanted something simple yet stylish- and Tella had made sure it would be everything she wanted.

   Instinctivly, her eyes roamed over the garment. It was a traditional white, off shouldered gown, with small highlights so it glowed in the sunlight. The top had fabric pulled over that stopped in the middle of her dress, showing of the skin beneath her collar bone. The white skirts slowly faded into red as it got deeper. The veil was made of white lace and stopped a few feet after the dresses long train. All in all Scarlett loved the gown.

   "Red always looked better on you" Tella said as she took a sip of water. Strange considering there was wine next to her on a tray.

   Yet Scarlett couldn't find it in herself to give a thank you. There had been a question on her mind for some time now and her sister might be able to comfort the answer.

   "Should I be ready to have kids?"

   Tella's eyes widened as she spit out the clear liquid and started violently coughing. Her cheeks and nose reddened and her eyes watered, slightly faltering her makeup.

   Scarlett reached a warm hand to help her but Tella gently pushed her away.

   "Im fine. Um..."-she coughed agian-"if your ready to have kids... don't you think you should talk to Julian about it?"

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