The Smell of Ink and Heartbreak

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"Why did you steal my coat"
"Because it smells like you"

Timeline: Post Finale

Prompted from a friend. She saw a post on tumblr that had a situation similar to this but is was a meme about Caraval and she thought it would make a good fic.

Also I'm loving this backdrop I found on google. BEAUTIFUL!!

Also the chapter before this got a bit werid when I published it because I published it back to back with the one before that one. So go back and make sure you didn't miss it <3

Right, now... onto the fluff
*evil laughs*

   "Tella" Legend groaned, annoyed as ever towards the love of his eternity.

    But his annoyance seemed to have little effect on her as she snuggled in closer to his coat. Her pale blue dress flowed from the bed all the way the floor as she shifted her legs to the side and encased herself the cloth.

   "Tella, I need it"

   She looked up and narrowed her eyes, "Why?"

   He blanched, "Its twenty degrees outside, and I have a meeting in nineteen minutes. Give it"

   He attempted to snatch it from her but she hugged the soft piece of cloth even closer to her body, hugging her curves.

   He groaned, "Tel-la, I made sure to get the coat maker to make an identical copy to mine so you could have it while I left"

   "But this one smells like you" she retaliated laying her blonde curls on the pillow.

He groaned again. Some deep part of him relished in the fact she wanted to incase herself in his scent. Probably the same primal part of him that desperately wanted to tie their souls together for all of eternity since the moment they meant. The same part that had also relished in immortality. But they'd only been together for a few months so far and even he knew that was ridiculous.

   "Tella" he begged "Please. It's freezing outside"

   She adamantly shook her head.

   "What can I do to get my coat back?"

   She looked up for a second and pursued her lips.

   "You have to cuddle with me for five-no... ten minutes" She smiled knowing full well the game she was playing with him.

   For some reason this woman fondled with his heartstrings like no one ever had before.

  And for some other reason he absolutely adored it.

   "I'll cuddle with you for eight minutes... and kiss you on the forehead on my way out" he bargained with her.

   "Nine minutes, and a kiss on the lips"

   He sighed in defeat, this woman would truly be the death of him.


   She beamed and patted the spot next to her on the plush mattress, just beneath the multiple silk blankets Tella loved to the sleep with.

   Legend found the blankets to be quite restricting when he and Tella were-

   "Whatever dirty things your thinking stop thinking it" Tella said. Her her words were laced with insult but her face was filled with humor.

He sat where she patted and wrapped his arms around her as she laid her head on his collarbone. Legend lifted his hand and traced her curls, following the thick strands from their roots to their inevitable end.

If there's one thing Legend had learned during his lifetime, was everything came to an end.

Except his love for Tella.
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This ones a bit short, only 550 words or so but I thought it was cute~

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