Jealousy, Jealousy

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Prompt: Caraval and Tella is playing a role and a participant tries to flirt with her. She tells the player no and he gets really mad and threatens her, Legend gets real protective of her.

hi I've been working on my writing 💕

Title: (jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo)

Timeline: Post-Finale

⚠️ also warning this chapter contains descriptions of violence because legend has no self control ⚠️

Valenda was usually a blissful calm in the evenings, as if it was the incarnate of a cloud, fluffy and sweet like the taste of cotton candy. Smiles and rejoice floated around the city, until sunset. Then it was free reign for the adventurous to roam about and commit their sinly desires without the risk of being caught.

Legend leaned his head back farther into the pillow, closing his eyes.

He hadn't intended to sleep, but it had somehow happened a few hours ago- his mind betraying him in favor of the temptation of rest. But he had noticed rather quickly Tella wasn't beside him.

   And then he remembered why.

   Letting Tella be a performer in Caraval was not an easy task for Legend. Tella was beautiful, independent, stubborn, and he loved all those things about her. But she was also to curious for her own good and got herself into trouble all to often. Legend worried for his lover and her safety during the games, more so than his own.

There had been a few incidents that triggered this worry, but Tella had insisted she would be fine.

Legend leaned even farther into the cloth, reminiscing. He still remembered the way the blood of the men felt under his nails while stabbed them into their thin necks, choking them while they gasped for air. The dried red liquid was caked there for some days. Thankfully, most people in the castle bought the excuse it was paint. She would be his end and beginning if he wasn't careful, but Legend had never had something so precious to him.

And as the sun set his smile grew, he would get to see her soon...


Tella, currently known to those around her as Vittoria, picked up a stone and tossed it into the ocean waving to her front. The loud echos of people whisped in the background of her life as she frowned.

   Things were not going to Legends plan. Her role was Vittoria Blackwell, a well mannered woman sheltered from the world by her god fearing mother. She had been tasked with getting information from a woman attending the game, Darla. It was proving difficult to even trying to talk to the woman, her disposition was rude in comparison to others who were playing.

   Her role really wasn't one of much surprise. Ever since she started performing in Caraval, Legend had given her rather tame roles in comparison to the other actors. Tella didn't mind it much, though she wished she could have a role with more thrill involved.

   Tella sighed, hearing the whisper of crushed concrete mixed with sand jumping behind her.

   "Look Armando, I'm not in the mood-"

   She turned, only to be meant with an unfamiliar face. Her eyes widened as she quickly reeled herself back in character, "oh my apologies, sir, I thought you were someone else!"

   The mans lips smiled reassuringly, but his eyes darkened as if he had more in his mind then meant the eye.

   "That's quite alright I didn't intend to frighten you, madam"  He softly leaned down and grabbed her bare hand, pressing his lips to the soft back palm of it, "it's my apologies I should be giving you"

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