Nights that feel like Stardust {Act 2}

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     Please read this before the fic:
This fic is part of another Caraval fic on my account called (Just a Dream). I'm sorry to say I'm deleting the other chapters.

Primarily because I don't feel like updating it anymore and it wasn't fun to write. I have a main book on my acc and I'd like to focus on that and this collection of oneshots more.

I'm also not to proud of it anymore. I wrote it a long to time ago and I don't like the writing or the story and it's just all... blah.

I hope you understand, plz don't be mad ❤️

Though, I'm going to upload a few chapters that I know I was really proud of at the time for memories :)
Also please note I wrote this years ago so if the writing is more juvenile than the other fics that's why.

   Tella awoke franticaly. She looked to her right to see Legend sleeping soundly-yet still alert. A sight that made her wonder what kind of dreams he had.
Carefully, untangling herself from his arms, she climbed out of bed.

   There wern't many things someone could do during the middle of the night at a castle. If she was still a child, Tella imagined she might've wandered this place looking for secret rooms and hidden doors. Yet, she still wondered anytime her sister forced her to attend a dinner with foreign leaders or a public event. She much perfered to let everyone think she was a dumb princess who only valued inanmate objects, and spent her days carelessly with her lover.

   She enjoyed it actually.

   Tella thought it was fun to let people assume the worst and find the best. She imagined most people believed baseless gossip about their princess. Which reminded her of of something Legend once said.

   I dont care what people say about me as long as their saying things about me

   Which reminded Tella why her sister tried so hard to be a good emperess. In the days following the death of the Fallen Star, Legend had made Tella ageless. Of course, Tella refused to do so without her sister. Inititally Scarlett refused- after a week of the activities the Emperess had to do- she agreed. In a couple of years they would all have to fake their deaths. Legend and Julian already planned the date in around 4 years. So she tried not to start any uneeded mess for her sister to handle.

   Tella walked to the large balcony attached to her room. The glass doors were kissed by light blue curtians, that somehow shimmered gold at night- most likely Legend's doings.

   Leaning on the balcony Tella looked into the night sky and at first felt a smile creep up on her face as she remebered the imaculate dress she wore in her dream. Then her smile faded as she remembered how it ended. Tella quickly pushed off the rim of the balcony and ran back to her rooms. She shut the doors faster than she should've. The loud sound following it awoke Legend.

   At first worry when he saw Tella wasn't next to him- the relief when he found her next to the doors.

   "Everything ok?" Legends voice was ruff in the seconds following his consciouness.

    Tella debated not telling him. It could be nothing, it might have not been Jacks at all. Just a stray dream. Just a joke her mind wanted to play on her- or warn her. If she indeed forgot the prince of hearts, she risked forgetting she was his weakness. So for her better judgement she told him her dream.

   His eyes widened.

   "You said he wanted something. What was it?" Legend asked worried.

   "I don't know. Theres no object we have that he would want. And its not me. He and I both made it clear our story was over". Tella answered.

    It took a long moment before Legend answered,

   "Not an object, but a person".


   Tellas daughter. Around five years old- old enough to know not to go around with strangers, or stray from her family when they went somewhere. She also held an immaculate power. One that hadn't shown itself yet. Tella knew Destiny wasn't completely defenseless however. If her family being one of the most powerful and influencal beings wasn't enough, Destiny her self could fight and scream. Not much since she was only five- but she could definetly scream.

   Tella might have shooed away Legends thought- no one would be stupid enough to steal a princess, not even Jacks. Had a childs scream and broken glass not resginated through her ears.

   Yet even though they ran as fast as they could, Destiny was not in her room. However there was an apple, and a small note.

Dear Donatella and Legend,
You may have gathered your lovely daughter isn't in her room. I've been told she is around five- Im heartbroken I had not recieved an invatation to the cristianing. Yet I've also been told she possesses a kind of power. That not only streams from the blood of the Master of Caraval but the all powerful whitch that made him- as well as the daughter of the Fallen Star.
You'll find the Emperesse's daughter no longer lies in her rooms tonight either. As I told you before, this is not an act of revenge- just leveling out the playing feild seeing as us Fates are no longer immortal.
All the love in the word,
The Prince of Hearts


Please read this too:
1. If you didn't read the top do that it's important to this series

2. Scroll up to read the next part

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