Ruin of Watered Rain {Part 2}

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Prompt: Injured Scarlett and Tella, and Legend and Julian fighting to get them back

Timeline: post-finale


Tella leaned against the stone wall, annoyed.

She hated being kidnapped, it was always so boring. Tella had gotten kidnapped many times in her life, and everytime was similar. Legend would always rescue her, she never worried. This was Scarlett's first time and it showed. Hugging her leg, and laying her chin ruffly on her gowned knees, Scarlett's hands and elbows shook involuntarily- she was clearly terrified.

"Will you stop being so dramatic, Scarlett, we'll be rescued in no time"

Scarlett turned to look at Tella, horrified, "how can you say that so calmly?" Her voice shook with the words like feather in air, "we're probably going to die in here"

Tella rolled her eyes, "I've been kidnapped at least a dozen different times, twice by Legend, you'll be fine- he always rescues me".

"And what if he doesn't, Tella? What then?"

She shrugged her shoulders, "Then Legend and Julian rain hell on earth until they find out how to revive us"

Scarlett laid back against the wall once more, she had little gray bruises on her left cheekbone, swirling on her skin like storm clouds in coffee. She had accidentally hit herself on the stone, trying to get as far away from the door as possible.

   Tella had minimal injuries, besides a cut on her forehead. Dried blood ran down her skin like a bloody waterfall into a lake of ink. She had put up a fight when the man grabbed her wrist on the streets of Valenda. Her and Scarlett had been walking around during Caraval, alone at night. Legend had warned her of doing so without him, but she never munch listened to him, it was always cute to watch him try though.

Scarlett sighed, "I just want to go home, I should've never let you take me somewhere so dangerous"

Tella snorted, "dangerous? Scarlett, Legend and I once-"

She put her hands over her ears, "I don't wanna know what actions you two get up to"

"Did you assume it was soemthing dirty?"

"Was it?"

Tella smiled.

"That's disgusting"


Hours later and Tella was still bored.

   She turned to her sister, "if their going to hold us against our will they should at least give me something to entertain myself with"

   Scarlett looked to her, "can you be serious, for like five actual seconds- and realize the severity of our situation"

   "But I'm so bored, Scarlett. My mind needs to be occupied"

   She laughed, "how does Legend love you?"

   Tella tapped her skull, "it's all in the words"

   "Then why are you tapping your head?"


   Legend could still hear her heartbeat thrum loudly through his head. A snarl ripped from his throat as he smelled blood. It was unusual for Legend to ever recover her injured. If she was, this time, there would be hell to pay and murder to taste. Julian pulled out a dagger and hilt it to his leg as they stood on either side of the door frame, listening in for voices.

Footsteps sounded through the air, closing in near the door. As soon as he looked his head out, Julian slit his knife into the side of his throat. Blood splayed out, covering him with it as Legend stepped inside. The room smelled of fear, lit with a dim fire and wood. Two men stood from the couch where they sat and came at him, daggers gleaming in fire light. Legend stepped aside and let Julian handle the other one, then grabbed the mans arm twisted it and ripped out his throat with his teeth, he was not in the mood for games when it came to Tella, especially not tonight.

They both made their way down the stairs to the lower region of the building, killing as they went, until they reached a brassy wooden door.

   As soon as Legend saw her he was in front of her, breaking the right binds that bounded chain to her wrists.

   Tella smiled, "I knew you would come for me"

   "I always do"


   Scarlett wrapped her arms around Julian as soon as he was in arms distance, hugging him tightly.

   He said his hand in her hair, "are you hurt"

   She hugged him tighter, "only a little. I was afraid you wouldn't be able to find us"

   He pulled back, looking for injuries. Julian's hands ran over her bodice, looking for cuts.

He winked, "I'll always find you, Crimson"

Ok so the day I've finished writing this, this collection hit 10k. That's literally insane- I remember when I hit 500 reads, so to get to 10k is crazy. If u been here since the beginning when there was no request rules or chapter index chapters, or if ur new, thank u all ❤️

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