Bars and Bonds

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Prompt: JulianxSon bonding fluff

Timeline: Post-Finale

I'm excited to write this one because it gives me badass energy.

Also from the stuff I've read in the series and the fan art I've seen I've gathered that Julian and Legend are Hispanic or Spanish of some sort so I suppose Destiny and Sebastian would be too. Basically their speaking Spanish when the new language pops up but it's not important to the plot so u don't have to look it up.


   Destiny looked like hell had flurried  onto her like snow drops from cruel clouds. Her anger placed ever so simboticaly on her face, seeping into her pupils making her appear like a nightmare. Midnight black curls clung to her face as if she had been wet at some point and had dried during the time it took to find him.

   Her embodied form was the first thing Sebastian and his father noticed as she sashayed into the bar... alone. They looked at each other both thinking the same thing.

   Destiny is about to kick our asses for something

   Almost as if on cue she approached them, "What the hell is wrong with you people?"

   They looked at each other again. Trying to sober themselves enough to think of what they could've done that would make one of the most powerful women in the world seethe at them. But as far as Sebastian could remember, he hadn't done much wrong.

   Destiny continued to look at them both with that same acing expression, unmoving and unnerving.

   She truly was insane.

   She sighed, "I suppose I must remind you both then"

   Julian leaned back on the bar top chair and took another sip of some anonymous form of alcohol he had been drinking on, curious. Clearly, it seemed he wasn't too concerned with what his niece was going to go off on him for. A foolish thing, really, to not be scared of her. Considering he was her uncle- perhaps she wouldn't be as mad as she would be at Sebastian. Perhaps...

   "What in the HELL is the matter with you people. You were all supposed to be reporting to your roles for Caraval and HOUR ago and yet, here I see you drinking around like it's fucking New Years Day. Do you both not realize that if we do not get this fated object the entirety of the Meredian Empire could collapse? I can't believe you-"

   He was very wrong.

   Sebastian hesitantly opened his mouth to speak but his father beat him to it, interrupting her in the process, "Destino, cálmate"

   The look his cousin penetrated Julian's eyes was probably a look the prince would never forget. Her usual golden amber irises were clouded with an untouchable rage. Not a fiery or cool rage. No, this anger was that of an insane person, looking like she ready to throw his ass out of the bar herself.

   The emperor, now looking slightly terrified, and this time he did not interrupt her, "Vuelve a interrumpirme y te mostraré lo que es la locura"

   There wasn't many things in life that Sebastian and Destiny had in common. Similar to how the daughter of Caraval found soulfulness in solitude and the heir favored mingling. One of these such things was their language. Destiny could speak many languages, all taught to her by herself and what she could read from books. While, Sebastian was the heir to the throne, learning another language was difficult for him as he doesn't favor the ink of words that his cousin so loves. Even so, Sebastian had no clue what she was saying but he knew, she was pissed.

   "Fine, we'll be there in a moment" Julian sighed, abit unfazed but still teetering on what and what not to say.

   Destiny nodded her head, "good"


   The alleyway was a deep shade of ink as Sebastian and his father walked through it.

   Legend has specifically explained they were to pretend to be watchers in the theater next door. Explaining that Tella would carry out the rest, whatever that meant.

   The deep grey round of his cloak settled into his skin as they entered the room- both looking more sober than they had just an hour ago.

   The first thing Sebastian noticed was the room was to bright. Color flooded every angle of the room, dwindling its roots as if faeries themselves had decided to design the barriers. Yellows, golds, and reds were anchored on every wall and crook and crevice- Sebastian felt a twinge of uneasiness through his stomach as the blinding lights continued to shift.

   Sitting in the plush red seats they both kept their eyes open for Destiny's mother. She was sneaky, and if he wasn't allowed to know what she was up to it must be to scheme full to say aloud. Typically behavior for her.

   "What play is this?" Sebastian asked half mindedly.

   "No idea"

   He recoiled, shocked slightly, "you haven't asked"

   Julian shifted in his seat, looking at his son when answering, "I learned a long time ago to not ask questions when it comes to Legend"

   Then why agree to keep doing Caraval? He's the Emperor, why follow orders from Legend?

The lights on the stage dimmed slightly, showing act one would begin in a few moments. From what Sebastian could remember from what Destiny had rambled to him when they were children, Legend had often brought her to the theater. Sebastian had no interest in acting of Caraval, simply doing it to satisfy his cousin. But, he often wondered why her side of their family was so obsessed with the games, books, plays and the such. A true thought to have had.

   "Perhaps Tella forgot isn't here yet"

   Julian responded, sounding a bit less sober than he did before they entered, "Tella isn't obvious. She hides in plain sight- distinguishable from the crowds. You probably see her right now and don't even know it"

   Sebastian searched the crowd in the magnificent theater, only to find no blonde haired woman dressed in shades of blue.

The faint smell of magic clandestinely flowed throughout the room, like petals from a rose, as the lights dimmed.

And all was silent as the play began.

And then it wasn't so silent.


I hope this is why you requested I'm not to good at writing from a males perspective.

ok some I'm excited to announce that I'm going to start taking songfic requests.

A song fic is a when u send me a song and I write a fic surrounding the vibe or lyrics of it.

To find out how to request a song fic go to the request rules chapter

To request a fic go to the request rules chapter

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