Fate always brings us together

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Prompt: I know I already requested, but how about a honeymoon for the couples?❤

Timeline: Post Finale

This bit is a continuation of the last chapter in this collection- Its heavily impiled in Finale and Legendary Tella isnt the type of girl to want to get married- so the only thing I could think of that would make sense is she got pregnant and back then if she wasnt married it was bad or whatever. Hope u like :)
Tella had no intention of leaving her cozy bed for the rest of the evening. She knew she had to, but like most things, she didn't want to.

Her honey blonde curls were scattered ever so gently around the soft pillow that her delicate head currently occupied. A few scandolous strands rested themselves around the top of her head like a halo. Giving Tella the effect of a angel.

And she hated it.

Tella was never one to admire angels. Ever since she was young and still nieve enough to believe the mischevious saints listened to her, she had never understood what made them so rightous and holy. Though, she didn't want to debate it with herself right now. Every little bit of energy mattered to Tella while she was pregnant.

Instinctvely, her soft hand wrapped around her delicate stomach, which had gotten slightly larger these past weeks. Tella felt her lips turn upward into a smile. Though it had been weeks since she and Legend had found out they were expecting, Tella still didn't believe it.

Tella never wanted kids- she had known that much since she was one herself. But once she found out she would... everything changed. Her world changed as she realised she would do anything to keep her daughter safe- even if it meant her own life.

Tella lazily rubbed circles on her fragile lower stomach at the thought.

The rational side of her mind knew no one would be idiotic enough to even think of hurting the daughter of Legend and niece to the emperor and emperoress of the Mederation Empire. Yet, the side of her that lived in the real world knew danger lurked in the most unthinakble places.

The chill that went down her back viciously pulled Tella from her unearthly thoughts as she pulled herself up from the soft feather-like matteress.

She yawned at the sound of hurried footsteps down the hall that Tella knew belonged to Legend.

The seamed fabric of her pastel blue nightgown slid down her weak arms as she stretched them out. Reminding Tella of the warning she had given herself earlier.

Legend walked through the glass-like double set doors and appeared by her bedside far faster than any human would be able to.

"Have you eaten anything yet? Do you need water? Are you feeling sick? Do you need a doctor? You need a doctor don't you? I was gone for too long. Ill get the doctor" Almost immideatiely he turned from her bedside and attempted to strode out and fetch a healer, had Tella not thrown a small pillow at the back of his head on his way out.

"Your insane"

It was true. Ever since Tella had said those four magical little words Legend had become strangely overprotective.

Tella had suspected it might have resulted from his own broken family. Perhaps he just wished his daughter would never have to worry or make decisions like he had to. That her mother would never leave and her father would never hurt her.

Tella didn't want that either and vowed to be as
perfect as she could be for her daughter. She had already failed to protect one of her most crucial secrets and she hadn't even been brought into this world yet. Which is why Tella dealt with his overprotective mother hen-ing, not without making it as difficult as she could however.

A Collection of Caraval Oneshots {Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now