My Beloved

775 12 11

Prompt: Legend being jealous over Tella (preferably not over Jacks) also can they be married :)

Timeline: Post-Finale

I am so sorry I forgot about ur request I have two other ones I'm writing rn so I quickly edited this one for ya ❤️

This prompt was requested anonymously :)

There were not many things in this world that made the Master of Caraval absolutely seethe with anger. The outraged feeling had not been in his life for the past handful of years. In fact, recently his life had become vibrant with colors of rejoice, fluttering like the golden wings of illicit butterflies. But the way his wife smiled as another man pulled her onto the dance floor made Legends heart fill with an emotion he had experienced so few times in his life.


He took another cold sip of wine from the glass as he watched her blue form glide through his eyelashes, Observing her as she swirled.

Never in his life has he wanted to rip the throat out of someone so terribly.


Donatella Santos has no idea how she ended up in this position, entangled in the limbs of another man.

She had been sipping wine and admiring herself in the hoax mirror when a man approached her and asked to dance. She hadn't thought the request throughly, or even at all, letting him twirl her and interwind their fingers. Tella had gotten very, very, drunk, and the thought of not moving had her stomach crawling with anticipation. But, nonetheless, she continued the waltz.

It wasn't until the dance was almost over that the princess had looked up to see the appearance of the man she let whisk her off her feet, another etiquette rule she had broken.

Her amber eyes made a slow progression up his body starting at his chest. He dressed in shades of black and grey with an accent of dark blue accounting to his soft features. A deep blood red cravat lined his neck making Tella wonder how clean his fingertips were and if they matched the color of his rouge gloves. Golden tendrils of glitter that lined her sheer sleeves jumped off her as she swayed, instead choosing to place themselves on his pale skin. She meant his deep charcoal eyes as her pupils dilated, her body betraying her mind to her attraction. But truly she couldn't deny her fondness to his eyes, the matched Legends utterly.

   Tella saw her husbands eyes on her from the corner of her drunken eyes, slight with worry and lace with illicties. She wanted nothing more than to leave the ball her sister threw, choosing to try and stop the hangover she knew would occur tomorrow. Legend would be there with her, comforting her and playing with her curls as he often favored to do. She could feel his warm hands cup her cheek as she laid in bed already.

   Not a voice had been uttered between the two before the man Tella danced with broke her from her sensual daydreams of the Master of Caraval.

   "Your mind seems to be elsewhere, darling" as the last word rolled off his tongue, butterflies with twisted wings and sharp antennas stabbed her from the inside out, warning her while they thirsted for her blood.

"I'm just thinking about what I am to do when this ball ends" she huffed, her mouth giving away more information than she wished.

He leaned his head down to her ear and whispered, "Perhaps you should consider dancing with me once more"

Tella laughed, "I'm sorry but I am very, very, drunk".

Almost to confirm her words, her vision wobbled consequently and her midnight black heels slipped. His strong grip immediately tightened on her rib cage as she maneuvered her body so she wouldn't fall. Tella leaned her forehead on the strangers chest as her head began to pound furiously, like a lion blaring its roar. His hands brushed her ribs and moved to her back caressing her spine all the down, lower and lower until he cupped her-

"Tella are you feeling well?"

A recognizable voice called out to her as she lifted her head to look at the handsome individual. Her sight was cloudy but she could make out dark coal eyes with golden rims longing in the irises, which meant it could only be one person; Legend.

Instinctively, Tella pushed her way out of the other mans uncomfortable grip and into the Caraval Masters warm embrace. He held her as she laced his fingertips down her spine, replacing the lingering touches of the other. If she had a choice, Tella would spin eternity in his warms, cocooned in his love and wedged in his heart like aces in a deck. Realistically that could never happen, but she often dreamed of it.

She shook her head in response to his earlier question, letting herself lean on him for support.

Tella couldn't be any happier than this moment.

Legend couldn't be any unhappier than this moment.

Currently, the love of his life rested in his hands, painfully drunk. He knew from experience her brain was splitting itself open at this point, thrumming it's intensity as it knocked on her head. She most likely couldn't feel the throbs in their entirety, numb from the alcohol. But indeed tomorrow morning he would have to cancel his meetings in favor of making sure his wife was as comfortable as possible from the consequences of her decisions.

But he wasn't entirely upset with her. Truly, he wasn't even angered with her in the slightest, feeling nothing but love.

He was enraged with the man that had touched his Tella. He hadn't failed to notice as the man had strum his hands across her right rib cage and down her waist. He also hadn't failed to notice how he kept getting dangerously lower.

Immediately their coal eyes meant, staring at each other for a moment, both speechless in their own regard. Legend parted his lips to speak, but quickly redacted them as he felt his wife shift in his arms.

   He wanted to yell at this man and rip out his throat, or better yet- tie strings to his wrist and use him as a puppet. But he realized all to quickly any noise he makes will be loud to Tella because of their closeness. The louder the volume gets, the worse her head will feel.

   So, instead of committing violent acts- Legend narrowed his eyes at the man and walked away with Tella in his arms, choosing her well-being over the revenge of a shameless flirt.

   But, plans would be made later to ensure his life was shortened.

   As they walked out of the ballroom Legend narrowed his deep eyes at Caspar, who happened to be roaming the halls. It seemed plans had just been made.

   The man would die tonight.


Let me know if you wanna find out what happens next I'm debating making a second part to this one...

To request a fic go to the Request rules chapter.

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