Roses, Dear {Act 1}

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Prompt: Destiny finding faeries on her way home from school then babbling about it to Tella or Legend. (But she's like 5 or 6)

Timeline: post-Finale

This prompt was requested anonymously:)

ALSO I have never read Romeo and Juliet so everything I say about it has been made up- Romeo and Juliet stans please don't cancel me lol

They say winter, in the Meredian Empire, brings out the true magic of its lands, visible even to the worst of souls.

It's told the princess of its empire has a different glow to her aura during these months.

Though it is unclear to the common people as to why, for they have no thought or memory of the power the rolls in her veins. The same power that thrums itself around her blood, cascading it's illicities through her body.

Her golden eyes seem to shine a bit brighter, and midnight hair seems to dwindle a bit darker. The mind of the small child being sharper than the other months of her life.


"William Shakespeare is known as one of the greatest writers of our generation, his words live on in an immortal conquest. His most famous play being Romeo and Juliet. On page 135 it states her hair was flooded with roses, pray tell freshly picked from the garden. What sort of significance does this detail add to the story?"

Destiny rolled her eyes at the instructors question as she turned her head and looked far out the window onto the empire. A stupid question it truly was- for she knew she was the only one who had ever read this folklore. Even her cousin, Sebastian, who always had fair grades had opted out of this assignment, saying he would just see the play instead.

The princess knew of course she was different than the rest of her classmates, she enjoyed stories and tales of fantasy. She had already committed to the fact she was more excited than this assignment than everyone else was. The assumption was proven when she shifted her head slightly to see no one had raised their hands.

"Nobody knows?"

Destiny knew, but she wasn't going to raise her hand at least. Lest, commit her earned knowledge to that of her classmates, a true pity.

Perhaps, she thought, this will make a fun game.

"April, perhaps you can answer".

Something about they way the teacher worded it made her smile. It wasn't a question but it wasn't quite an order- somewhere in between. Maybe, it was the interesting phrasing towards the particular girl she phrased it towards. Maybe, it had to do with the way April's eyes narrowed to being bossed around. But maybe, just maybe, it had to do with the fact that the girl didn't know the answer- her careless mistakes on display so the class could see her for the liar she was.

   "I... um- it means that... that, Romeo loved her so much he placed flowers he picked that night in her hair whilst she slept. A signal to her that he would always protect her from any thorns that threatened her path. A promise that-"

   Destiny let out a small giggle, quiet enough so that most of the class couldn't hear, but noticeable enough that the instructor most definitely did.

   The teacher arched a brow, "Destiny, would you like to answer instead?"

   Most people would have seen this as a quiet discipline to not be rude during someone's speeches, but a young princess saw this as a challenge. Destiny never backed down from a challenge...

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