The Thorns of a Rose

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A/N: Legend being protective over Destiny during Caraval

The next oneshot: A Deck of Crimson Blood

Oops, I said Later and actually disappeared... I'm back now

Also... also, this is a 1k reads special so it may be longer than usual or somethin Idk I hope u like

And their might be another protect legend one coming idk I like writing these-

Timeline: Post Finale

"It's not working"

Destiny said the tart words as she stood with her arms annoyingly crossed, glaring waves of irritation into her fathers eyes.

   They both lingered in an alleyway, dimly lit from the lights of the world around them, flooding into the dark place. The streets beyond were filled with auditable noises of men, women, and the like dancing and performing scandalous acts.

   The citizens of Valenda were not only celebrating their emperess' day of birth, but the middle of Caraval as well.

   The sky was peaked at dusk, meaning the game would start once again in only a few short hours.

   And it seemed everyone was excited, except for the Master of Caraval and his heir.

   "What do you mean, 'it's not working'? Have you tried-"

Destiny cut Legend off before he could continue, "I've tried everything daddy, It's like he's immune to it... like... like he's never meant a woman in his life".

The Master of Caraval let a breath loose into the world as Destiny positioned her powerful hands onto her hips.

"This has never happened before. What are we going to do?" She continued, slightly worried.

Legend turned his head to look out over the sea of people, the moonlight cascading around them. Destiny couldn't help but wonder what her father was thinking, and what he was going to say.

Leaning on the bricked wall he spoke without moving his gaze away from the ruff crowd.

"Are you sure you've tried everything?"

She bit her lip, "everything. I've laughed at things he does that aren't funny, I've battered my lashes and bit my lip, I've even kissed him on the cheek. But it's like he doesn't know the obvious signs that's someone likes him. I don't in reality, but he doesn't know that".

Truly, Destiny had no clue as to why the male didn't fancy her. She found it truly unnerving.

Every man the princess had ever meant had fallen to her will. Either entranced by her beauty or the illusion that she was some meek teenage woman living off her fathers fortune. Usually thinking they could say a few endearing words to her and have her heart completely wrapped in the blankets of their souls.

Or their beds.

It's was truly an incomprehensible thing to Destiny that this one just didn't take the hint. Especially when they needed what he had so terribly.

Her father spoke, "Perhaps he isn't attracted to women? Maybe Caspar could talk to him. He's fairly good at those types of roles" Legend said the last sentence as if he was trying to assure himself.

Destiny shook her head while her breathing became ragged in the chilled air. Her black curls were covered with bits of illusionist golden glitter flurries as her face became slightly saddened.

"I think he just doesn't like me".

It was her fathers turn to shake his head, "Fortunately, my daughter, you have been blessed with my ability to make people bend to you will simply based on your face and power. Maybe it's not you but the personality I gave you? Try acting more like Scarlett than Julian".

Destiny looked down the ground and pretended to think. She wanted to believe her fathers words, but it was definitely her, he didn't like. For some reason it made her self conscious in way.

She had always known she was beautiful, but the way he looked at her made her feel... differently.

Many men liquify into shards of glass when Destiny even graces them with her presence. But he didn't even seem to care she existed half the time.

It made her feel slightly bad she couldn't win.

"Um... no. It's definitely me. I think I may have given him a bad impression when he caught me pretending to steal from Jovan. Maybe we should let Aiko or another performer do it".

   The Master of Caraval took a step forward and narrowed his eyes, "It unlike you to give up you role so easily. Is everything okay?"

   She rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. I just think he would prefer someone who was me-"

   Destiny was cut off by the sound of broken glass.

   Legend and his daughter both turned left to see a busy street of the city, with crowds still celebrating in honor of their dynasty.

   Confused, they both looked back at each other and attempted to rekindle the conversation. But a hallow voice spoke from their right.

   "She looks identical to you".

   Her father whipped his head towards the voice and growled slightly.

   Destiny looked to observe a man with light blonde hair and ocean blue eyes glance between her and her father with a sinful smile.

   The blonde man took a step closer, "You know, I heard rumors that the Master of Caraval had conceived an heir, I wrote it off as mindless gossip at first".

   He took another step nearer, earning a step back from both Destiny and Legend.

The man precariously tilted his head, "I didn't think Tella would be so ready to have a child. I thought she wanted to discover the world?"

Legend put a hand in front of Destiny's stomach, making her stand back a bit as he stood in a protective stance.

"Was she perhaps an accident?"

"Do not talk about my daughter that way" Legend growled. Destiny couldn't see his eyes but she was sure they held furious intent.

   Her father continued, "What do you want, Jacks?"


   So that was the blonde mans name. She looked up through her dark eyelashes to see his narrowed eyes locked on hers. As if he was searching for a power far greater than Destiny knew she had.

   But no such thing exists.

   Jacks molded his face into innocence, "I just happened to be in town, and I thought I'd make a quick detour to see the rebellious princess to the Meridian Empire. I mean no ill intent... as of yet"

   Legend tilted his head slightly, "What do you mean as of yet?"

   Jacks smiled in a way only the devil could, then walked away, as if nothing had just transpired between them.

   "Who the hell was that?" Destiny shrieked, annoyed her parents had never spoken to her about this.

   He was silent for a long moment before answering.

   "I think there's something your mother and I should tell you about your birthday next week..."

Ya I'm leaving this on a cliffhanger

I mean technically I got a request to write a fic where they find out her weakness but Idk what her weakness would be :/

To request a oneshot go to the request rules chapter

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