Theres Aces in the wind {Act 2}

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I know I said this would come out yesterday... but ehh I had somethin else to write

Timeline: Post Finale

   The room was filled with a cool sweeping darkness. Not that kind that was warm or welcoming, but one that felt as if you could fall if you weren't careful.

   Destiny imagined that's how Caraval felt to people that didn't work for her father.

   "Well, isn't this a sight"

   A ruff female voice entered its way through Destiny and Sebastian's ears, making them both hurriedly look around the room.

   But no light illuminated for them to see through.

   Destiny held up her fluencial hand to manifest an orb of cascading light, but it wouldn't flame. She assumed this place must have a spell attached to it that kept magic out... or in.

   "Who are you" Sebastian asked hesitantly. His voice was brave but his stance was protective. Destiny thought her cousin was kidding when the heir said he was scared of The Master of Caraval, perhaps he actually was.

   Footsteps, presumably from the females voice, echoed throughout the chamber,

   "The daughter of the Master of Caraval and the Heir to the Meridian Empire... at last come to see me"

   Destiny arched her brow, slightly dazed, "What do you mean at last come to see you?"

   "And how do you know who we are?" Sebastian quickly chimed in.

   The voice laughed, almost as if it was taunting them with their obliviousness to the scene around them. Destiny hated being out of loop, she found it all to restricting. But the voice continued,

   "You look so much like him, Destiny. I suppose he gets it from his father"

   She stayed silent.

   "What? No more meek questions of daze?" The voice asked, assessing their abilities.

   "Your not going to answer them so why bother?" Destiny countered. Truthfully, she was getting quite exhausted from the vocal battle. She would rather just face head to head in a physical match and show this woman how smart she truly was.

   The woman hummed an antagonizing melody of strewn lyrics. It was a delicate piece that felt all to entrancing for it to be good. The music turned vile quickly, almost as if a warning sounded.

   "My granddaughter is quite the piece of art"

   Destiny laughed foolishly like the dead, "My grandparents...are long dead I can assure you".

   The voice throated manically, sending vibrations throughout the chamber.

   Almost immediately as the sound cascaded, Sebastian grabbed Destiny's hand and pulled her into a run. She didn't know where they were going and she doubted he did either.

The relinquish of victory settled into her stomach at the thought of being away from the quake woman. But the emotion was short mastered as Destiny's head hit something hard.

She lifted a hand to touch her head and used the other to feel what had assaulted her.

Whatever she touched she didn't register through her hands, as her adrenaline rush ended and she felt a vile pain in her head. Destiny shot profanities into the chamber as red liquid bubbled between her fingers. She felt rouge blood coat her forehead and drip down to cake her midnight black curls.

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