Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Four

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A/N: hi :)

man, has it been a long week and it's still just wednesday. i had three exams last week and it still wasn't as bad as this week. this week just sucks ass. this week is like when you're walking and your sock is slipping off and except you're not walking, you're studying and it's not your sock slipping, it's your sanity


im just at that point in the semester where i don't care about my grade anymore but i also do care about my grade but i'm so tired because my uni won't give us any breaks (whoever came up with this accelerated schedule with no breaks, F*CK YOU, DUDE) and im feeling burned out but it just won't end but whatever, i guess.

sorry for the lil rant, i've been feeling super stressed for weeks now

anyway, this chapter will probably stress you out so have fun (also listen to that song up there if you wanna feel more scared when you're reading this)

"It's not in my job descripshun,

but fawh a friend,

Bobby Gallo will do anythin'."

"Let me tell yuh, when my buddy called me and told me some girl was askin' fawh me, I immediately knew it was de Blue Phantom," Bobby said.

Adelaide smiled.

"Well, thanks again for helping me out, Bobby," she said, "I would have gone by myself, but I don't remember where the address was."

"Doan wawhry about it. Listen, Bobby Gallo knows every street in New Yawhk like de back of his hand. Right? If yuh wanna know dat place yuh went tuh a year ago, I'm your guy. Yuh with me?"

"That's really impressive," she said. Bobby grinned proudly at the compliment.

At this hour, the streets were still pretty busy as the nightlife crowded the streets. Most bars and clubs opened around midnight so the night was just getting started for them. Luckily, she knew Bobby could handle any sort of traffic.

"So what? No car chase today?" Bobby said, glancing at her in the mirror. He still couldn't get over how bright the superhero's eyes glowed. He'd never seen anything like it before.

"Nope, sorry," she said, "I'm trying to find this man. He told me he had to tell me something and then disappeared."

"Well, listen," he said, "If yuh need me tuh beat a punk up, I gotcha, alright? It's not in my job descripshun, but fawh a friend, Bobby Gallo will do anythin'."

"Thanks, Bobby. Really," Adelaide smiled. He really was something else. They should definitely raise his pay. He was the best cabbie in all of New York, without a doubt. She had definitely missed his Brooklynite attitude.

The skyscrapers and crowd slowly faded away until they were driving through a more sketchy area of the city. When Bobby took a right, she spotted the caravan neighborhood she had been to a year ago.

"Is dis de place yuh were lookin' fawh?" Bobby asked wearily. Adelaide squinted in the dark, trying to find Graves' caravan. She spotted it down the dirt road, sitting there in its old and yellowing glory.

"Yeah, this is it," she said, "Pull over. Quietly."

"Dis place looks sketchiuh than a dentist's office," he muttered to himself under his breath as he pulled the cab over to the side.

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