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A/N: Hey guys! So as I promised last week, I wanted to do something a little special for Christmas and I've always wanted to do a Q&A so here it is! I might have mentioned this before, but I publish my fanfiction on multiple platforms so when I asked people to submit questions, I just decided to combine them into one Q&A.

Hope you enjoy!


1. How old are you?

I think this was one of the questions I asked you guys in an author's note a few chapters ago and your guesses were pretty close! Anyway, to answer the question, I recently turned seventeen.

2. Will we get to see some sort of friendship between Shuri and Adie?

Ooooh I like that idea. I hadn't really planned on it but I think it's definitely something I'll try to work on. I mean, Shuri isn't in many of the movies other than Black Panther and Infinity War, the latter being the only one where she meets the Avengers.

This actually gave me a lot of cool ideas like Shuri making a suit out of vibranium for Adelaide and Adelaide, Shuri, and Peter attacking T'Challa with vines. Oooh yeah I'm loving this. It's gonna be tricky since practically everyone dies in Infinity War and I haven't exactly planned where Adelaide's going to be during that timeline yet, but I know it's something I definitely want to try.

3. Can we see an OC relationship for Ned later on?

Definitely! Depending on how Marvel decides to take Ned's love life in the rest of the Spider-Man movies, I would love to create a character just for him. Although, it would probably be wayyy down the road since there's just so much going on right now. But, yeah, I would definitely try to include something like this especially if Peter and Adelaide get to be his wingman/wingwoman.

4. Favorite food and movie?

This is tricky. Mmm, I guess since I'm craving something sweet right now, it would have to be strawberry cheesecake. But, now that I think about it, my all time favorite has got to be cheese sticks. Or any Mexican food.

Favorite movie is super hard. There's just so many to choose from...I guess I'll give you a top in each genre.

Romance: A close tie between Love Rosie and Age of Adaline
Chick Flick: Revenge of the Bridesmaids
Action: Any Mission Impossible movie
Sci-Fi: Any Marvel movie (what a surprise right)
And last but not least, Space Movie (I know this isn't a genre but I love space movies): The Martian

5. How and when did you come up with this story?

I came up with this story lying across my bed one morning during my summer vacation. I had recently watched Infinity War and it was safe to say I was an emotional wreck because Peter Parker is my favorite MCU character. The strange thing is that only a few months ago, I had terrible writer's block and I literally could not write anything to save my life. It was really bad. Like, really really bad.

Anyway, I had never written a fanfic before and I honestly never thought that I would but I knew I had to get over Infinity War somehow lol. So, I just started writing this fanfiction with the first idea that came to mind (which I can't tell you guys because it's basically the big mystery that Adelaide is trying to solve) and I just...knew.

I knew that I wanted Tony to be a big part of the story (because he ties with Spider-Man in my favorites) and I knew that I wanted Peter to a big part of it too. It took a little planning after I started writing it and a whole lot of research (time well spent, in my opinion). And viola! We got Into the Light!

6. How do you find time to write?

When school is on, I literally find maybe 10 minutes a day to write and I'm not joking. It's usually while I'm waiting in the car and I just write on my phone since Google Docs works offline (yay!). Sometimes, things get a bit chaotic and I can't find any time to write at all which means that that night, when I get into bed at like 12 or 1 in the morning, I write like half a scene before my eyes give up and then I'm dead to the world for the next 3-5 hours.

When I'm on break (my favorite time), I usually try to write one scene a day so it depends entirely on the length of the chapter. I think my biggest problem with writing is once I publish a chapter, I usually have zero idea of what's going to happen in the next chapter. Yeah, I'm terrible at planning these things.


A/N: And there you have it! My first Q&A! It was really fun and I loved hearing all of the questions! I realize this was supposed to be like a Christmas present and it's a little late so a (very) belated merry Christmas to you all and I hope you will keep enjoying reading this story as much as I will enjoy writing it!

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