Chapter Two

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A/N: This chapter wasn't supposed to be so important to the story, but I ended up making it the basis for like the next 5 chapters. Oops. I'll just say that this chapter was an ABSOLUTE PAIN to write. Mainly because I didn't plan and then ended up publishing the first chapter without realizing what a mess it was. So I had to rewrite this whole chapter again. And I still haven't fixed everything. I honestly thought that since it's summer, I'd have more time, but 24 hours is just not enough time to cover all my mistakes.

Anyway, in this chapter, we get to see Pepper meet Adie which is something I have been looking forward to ever since the idea first popped into my head. Adie's relationship with Tony and Pepper is my favorite because they end up becoming like her parents and we all know that Tony is still a child so now Pepper has two teenagers to look after lol.

So this chapter is a tad bit longer than the last one, but just wait till chapter 3...;)




Adelaide was in a guest room, trying to find out more about what had happened before she opened her eyes. She was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling, raking her brain for any sort of memory, but there was absolutely nothing. Adelaide didn't have a single memory of her 13 years of life before she opened her eyes today. How was that possible?

She stood up, the dull ache in her head returning, and walked into the bathroom. Somehow, everything in Tony Stark's penthouse managed to look so expensive, she couldn't even imagine the zeros that trailed after the number. The bathroom was fully equipped with everything anyone could ask for, yet all Adelaide wanted was cold water. She turned on the sink, changing the water to the coldest temperature possible and splashed a handful of it onto her face.

"Think," she mumbled to herself.

Use your measly brain and think. What had happened?



What had happened?


Come on, Adelaide.





The teenager looked into the mirror at her own reflection. Her face stung from the ice-cold water. It had turned red – from anger or the water, she did not know. Her electric blue eyes seemed to shine brighter than the overhead lights.

Adelaide thought she must be imagining things, but her blue eyes almost seemed to be glowing. She stared into them, until suddenly, her head exploded with pain and she fell to the ground, screaming in agony. She opened her eyes carefully, uncurling from the fetus position she had fell into. There was a ringing in her ears, but it was bearable. Adelaide scrambled up, realizing she wasn't in Tony's guest bathroom anymore.

She was in a car, sitting in the backseat. There was a little girl sitting next to her, happily playing with her doll and humming to herself. The girl looked average with her brown hair, except her big blue eyes were abnormally bright. Adelaide studied her carefully. She had seen those eyes somewhere before...

The girl didn't seem to notice her and continued to play with her teddy bear. Adelaide grew confused. Wasn't she just playing with a doll two seconds ago? Her mind was just messing with her, Adelaide told herself.

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