Chapter Fifty-Nine

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A/N: Hey would you look at that, I'm uploading and it's not 12 am hehe

Sooo I've had a relatively crappy week but it's gonna be okay cause fall break is almost here and I just gotta get through tomorrow so *fingers crossed*

Anyway, this chapter is longer than the last couple ones and there are some original scenes in here and thank God for it cause writing movie scenes is kinda boring ngl. I've been procrastinating writing the last few chapters of Civil War and started writing the ones after because I like writing original stuff :) Also, I really like putting Adelaide through shit and fair warning everything after Civil War is ANGST ANGST ANGST.


"Hello, Mr. Parker."



Peter had just tumbled through the window into his room after another late-night outing as Spider-Man.

Pressing the spider symbol on his suit, he let it loosen around him before tugging it off and tossing it in the back of his closet. He knew he had thrown his pajamas somewhere on the bed so he blindly searched for them in the dark until his hands touched something soft.

Just as he popped his head through the hole of his shirt, he caught a glimpse of the analog clock sitting on his desk, glowing numbers bright red in the darkness of his room. 2 am. Yikes. He still had to go to school tomorrow. He really needed to find a way to fit school into his Spider-Man schedule soon.

As he made his way to his bed in the dark, his foot caught on his backpack strap on the floor and he fell face-first onto his bed with an oomph! Groaning quietly, he pulled his foot out of the strap and crawled under his covers, closing his eyes as his head hit the pillow softly. Today had been a long day.

In all honesty, every day without Ada had been a long day.

He didn't know how or what magic she had worked on him, but being mad at her was punishing him more than it was probably her. He let out a sigh, rolling his head to the side and staring at the shadows on the wall coming from the window. What she did...was wrong. But had he done something wrong by cutting her out of his life? He hadn't even seen her at school for three days now. It felt so much longer. Time passed differently without her.

Before, when the roles were reversed and she was angry with him, he didn't feel this way. Even though she was mad, she was still always there. At school, in his mind, every night on the rooftops of Manhattan. But was like the past year and half hadn't even happened. He had ended it. It was over.

Then why couldn't he let go?

Suddenly, he heard the sound of the tv playing from the living room. His eyes shot to the analog clock across from him. It was still 2. In the morning. What was May doing awake at 2 in the morning?

He decided that he should go and make sure she was okay. He slipped out from under his covers, making sure to not let his head hit the bottom of the top bunk as he stood up and slipped on his loafers. Yawning and rubbing his eyes in attempt to look like he just woke up, he stepped out of his room, peeking down the hallway.

"May?" he croaked. No answer.

Yawning for real, he walked towards the living room. The lights were off, but the tv was on. Peter squinted at the screen. Aunt May was watching some horror movie he had seen in theaters two years ago, curled up on the sofa with a throw covering her legs. She didn't notice him standing at the end of the hallway there.

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