Chapter Eleven

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A/N: Am I late? Am I early? Honestly, I don't know anymore. This chapter was kind of tricky to write considering that halfway through writing it, I realized something. Remember the long timeline from like chapter 6? Yeah, well it was wrong. I thought Age of Ultron happened in 2016 along with Civil War but turns out that I had just made a typo on my phone that made 2015 into 2016 which is just great because now I had to re-plot everything that I had planned and all the climaxes that I had been building have to be put on hold now and hopefully, it's smooth and not too noticeable. Hopefully. So with all that being said, Age of Ultron starts next chapter and I had to kind of fast forward the time after this chapter.

Anyway, so last chapter we saw Adelaide and the rest of Midtown Middle finding out about Coach Ross' death. This chapter, a little bit of a cliffhanger, but not really a major one and the consequences following the last chapter with the assembly and Coach Ross' murder. Originally it was supposed to be longer, but then I realized that it didn't fit so I took out a whole scene and I realize that I'm just rambling at this point. Sorry. It's this stupid timeline that keep messing with my head. I just can't seem to get it right and it's sooooo annoyingggggg. Ughhh. Anyway, you guys just sit back and relax with this chapter while I continue to pull my hair out in the background.


"We were just breaking up."


The funeral for Coach Ross had been over the weekend and everyone she knew had attended. Even Flash was there. Adelaide had managed to coax Pepper into coming with her, although she hid her face behind a thick scarf and a hat. JARVIS thought that fake prescription glasses would disguise her better so Pepper ended up wearing those, too.

Although many people attended, it was a small service. Adelaide noticed a woman silently crying next to the casket and the teenager assumed she was Coach Ross' wife. She looked regretful and tired as if she was holding the weight of a million worlds on her shoulders. Her hands kept wandering and Adelaide realized it was because she didn't know where to put them anymore. Adelaide was sitting towards the back of the church next to Pepper when Peter and Ned walked in. Adelaide waved her hand to get their attention as they walked past and then the two boys took a seat next to her.

"Uh, hi..." Peter said, and Adelaide realized he was talking to Pepper. Suddenly, it struck her that she hadn't thought of a fake name for Pepper. Luckily, Pepper had it figured out.

"Hi, I'm Virginia, Adelaide's aunt. You must be Peter. Adelaide's told me a lot about you," she said and Adelaide subtly elbowed her. Peter smiled.

"Nice to meet you," he replied politely, pushing his glasses up.

"Ned, right?" Pepper asked, smiling at Ned who looked slightly confused. Adelaide raised an eyebrow, but he didn't seem to notice.

"Y-Yeah," he said, laughing nervously, "That's me."

The funeral service started and ended within the half-hour and then they all gathered outside as the casket was buried. The police never did find Coach Ross' body so the casket was buried with memories of him. It was a peaceful service. The chill had lessened and there was only a light breeze outside as the sun was setting into the city skyline, coloring the sky a million colors. Maybe Coach Ross would've thought it was too soft or too beautiful – he was a little unsentimental – but it clearly brought contentment to his wife's heart. Somewhere during the service, she had found her closure.

After the service was over, everyone began departing. It had started to get colder and people huddled in their coats, quickly walking to their car for warmth. Adelaide hung back with Peter and Ned as Pepper left to get the car started.

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