Chapter Ninety

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A/N: good grief, this chapter is so long and i procrastinated so i had to write it all in 2 days :(

anyway, once again, I STILL CANNOT BELEIVE WE HIT 100K now Into the Light is one of those fics 😏

so yeah this chapter is crazy long (like 9000 words), but super important because something super important happens and it starts a chain of some super important events. have fun!

"Because if you do,

I'll kill you and everybody you love.

I'll kill you dead."

Adelaide had never seen what a homecoming dance looked like before.

But she was seriously underdress for the occasion in her ripped jeans and top. Everyone else was in colorful dresses or tuxes. She didn't even know what she was doing here, in the middle of the dance floor. There was a slow song playing and everybody was dancing with their date.

Even Flash was dancing with Betty, though she didn't look too happy about his two left feet. She spotted Ned and Vivian dancing together off to the side. They were dancing like there was no one else in the room but the two of them. It was...romantic. They looked like they were in love.

Then, she saw Peter and Liz.

They were smiling, they were happy. Peter had his arms wrapped around Liz shyly and she was holding onto his shoulders. There was a light in his brown eyes as he looked at Liz. Liz said something to him and he laughed. Then, their eyes met and all the smiles and laughter were replaced with nervousness. Peter's gaze flickered down to her lips. Slowly, he leaned in.

His eyes fluttered closed as their lips touched.

Adelaide jolted awake.

She realized she was just in her bed, in her apartment and not at some stupid high school dance. She let out a breath, running her hands through her hair, frustrated.

Ever since yesterday, she couldn't stop thinking about it. No matter what she did, her mind always went to that damned moment in the science wing where she had overheard Peter and Liz. And now she was dreaming about them too?

She needed to get a grip.


The next day, Adelaide had been dreading school.

The last thing she had wanted to do was go and see Peter's face. And Liz, too. She felt like a third wheel just thinking about it. She did not want to imagine them together, let alone go to school and see them together.

Yet, here she was, sitting on the bleachers in third period gym class, watching Peter give a bright, dorky smile in Liz's direction on the bleachers beside Adelaide each time he jogged by as he completed his laps. And each time, Liz gave him a shy smile in return. Adelaide gritted her teeth, holding her chin up in the palm of her hand as she rested her elbow forward on her knee. How many more laps did he have left anyway? Hadn't he done enough already? Michelle glanced up from her book and followed Adelaide's glare to Peter jogging across the gym.

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