Chapter One Hundred Seventeen

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A/N: i've been waiting to use this gif for so long, it's so soft 🥺✨


i'm so mature 😌

also i can't believe that next year i'm turning 20??? this is my last year as a teenager?????????? i can't even. mentally, i'm still 14 bruh. any 20 y/o here who can give me so advice on how to cope lmao. i feel like i'm getting so old and that i'm already so behind in my life oop

okay depressing thoughts over, let's talk about this chappie

as promised, it's moree fluff! it's kinda short but i guess it's important to the story or whatever

"Here's the thing kiddo, you can never

force someone to stay in your life.

As Adelaide was lying on the living room sofa later that night, pretending to watch tv, all she could think about was what Peter had said to her.

I'm here to stay, Ada. I promise.

We have all the time you need, okay?

And when you're ready...I promise I'll still be here.

I will always be here for you, Ada.

However you need me.

She still couldn't even wrap her head around the fact that Peter liked her, let alone the fact that he liked her so much that he was willing to wait for her. It felt like she was dreaming. She thought her feelings for him had been completely one-sided this whole time. As it turned out, he felt the same about her, which was crazy.

Peter Parker liked her.

Not only that, but he was willing to wait for her.

She felt like the luckiest girl in the world to have him in her life. And that was how it had always been with Peter. When no one else understood her, he read her mind. It was never hard to be around him. Even fighting with him wasn't that strange. It was like she'd known him even before she'd met him.

Their friendship had been so weathered over the years that they just...never noticed when it had set into place for a relationship to exist between them. Things had always been more different with Peter. He was just...Pete. He had never been just her best friend, he had always been a little more. Adelaide had just never realized it this whole time.

Sure, they had had plenty of disagreements in the past, but they always stemmed from a place of worry and care. Like when Peter had gone MIA one night and she had gotten worried sick. Sure, she had been furious with him, but only because she couldn't imagine Peter being injured or even dead. And the night Ben had died, she knew Peter wouldn't have been able to live with himself if he had killed a man. Peter had almost not forgiven her for that, but when she realized she had been right, he did so so easily.

They had always worked in sync with each other.

But this time, it was different.

Adelaide couldn't ask him to do that. She was too broken for him to fix. She wanted to be his, she did. But not at the cost of his health. If they had decided to be in a relationship, she knew it would only end up hurting him more than her. Two people who really cared about each other were supposed to be two halves of a whole, but Adelaide wasn't even a half. She was barely whole herself. She had so many pieces, she could never be the other half for Peter.

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