Chapter Five

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A/N: Let me just start off by saying I had so much fun writing this chapter. It's the one where Adie will meet the Avengers (finally lol) and I've obviously been dying to get this one out. I'm really excited about it because it reveals a little part of Adie's past and just barely shows all the details. But not too much because we can't leave Adie without questions, of course. It's really fun to be able to get in all the Avenger's heads and write from their point of view cuz they're all low-key crazy and like toddlers sometimes lol. My favorite was Thor.

So next chapter we might (or might not, depending on how fast I can plan it) see Peter. Probably. Maybe. I don't know. I hope we do because that's why I started writing this fic in the first place lol. Speaking of Peter, I think Tom has started filming Far From Home already and I believe he's filming in Atlanta, although I don't know if he's there right now. BUT GUESS WHO'S GOING TO ATLANTA TOMORROW. MEEEEE. AND I MIGHT SEE HIM. I'M HAVING A HEART ATTACK IN ADVANCE. I have every finger I have crossed in hopes that he's there when I go because I love his smol bean little self to death. Don't be surprised if you don't get the next chapter because I died from a Tom Holland sighting in Atlanta lol.

I wouldn't be surprised. I am going for two days so my wifi will be on and off. I have started chapter 6, but it is nowhere near finished and I won't be able to upload until I come home so sorry about that. Just a heads up, there's going to be a small time skip in the next chapter. I'll try my best to upload by Monday, but even then, I'm not too sure. It depends on how fast I plan. Which is pretty fast if I can get myself to actually focus. That repeatedly proves to be hard. Hm.

"Quit telling people

I'm an emergency."

After tossing and turning all night, Adelaide had to force herself to get up in the morning. She groaned, rolling out of bed. Today's the day, she thought, where I might get some real damn answers.

It was later than usual and Adelaide decided to go straight to the kitchen. From the hall, she could hear a lot of voices coming from the kitchen, but, barely being awake, she assumed it was just Tony and Pepper talking. She ran her hand through her hair, trying to straighten it and pulled down her shirt to try and look a little put-together. Coffee. She needed coffee.

"Hey Pepper can you – дрисня." She stopped in her tracks, noticing the whole kitchen was full of superheroes or, more specifically, the Avengers. They were all seated around the big island, eating breakfast.

Tony and Bruce were deep in discussion about something while Steve and Natasha were playing with one of Clint's arrows. He looked unamused. Thor had invested himself into thoroughly enjoying a pop tart. He was the first to notice her, grinning widely.

"Adelaide!" he said in a booming voice that made everyone turn around and notice the messy-haired girl in her wrinkled pajamas. Adelaide had the sudden urge to run back into her room and change, but it was too late now. She waved awkwardly.

"Uh, hi..." she said, walking towards them. Thor made room for her to sit next to him, putting his hammer in Tony's lap. Tony groaned.

"Really, Thor?" he asked, but Thor either wasn't paying attention or was just ignoring the billionaire.

"Adelaide," Thor said, "you must try these pop tarts. They are absolutely delicious." He handed her the one in his hand, which was almost finished. She smiled.

"Thanks, but I'm more of a coffee person," she said. He shrugged, finishing it off in one bite. A cup of coffee appeared in front of her and Adelaide realize it was Pepper who had put it there.

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