Chapter Twelve

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A/N: Age of Ultron! Finally! I honestly had so much fun writing this with half my screen playing the clip from the movie and the other half with word as I wrote the dialogue. So this chapter came a little late, but I finished writing it on my phone yesterday as I was in bed and then I couldn't upload it from my phone and then I didn't get a hold of my laptop all morning until just now so I'm writing this author's not really fast just so I can get the chapter up. But, to make up for it there's a lotttt of stuff going on in this chapter. For one, we get to see Pepper go mom mode again and a little bit of Irondad. A certain uncle makes an appearance. Flash is...well, he's just Flash. There's other people, but I'm just trying to get this up like I said. I haven't really edited it, but let's hope it's alright.

This chapter is mainly a lot of short scenes because there was so much that I wanted to put in the chapter, but then I couldn't fit it all so it kinda just ended up being a collection of short scenes and a really long chapter. Oops. And, like I mentioned in the previous chapter, there were some climaxes that I was building that I kind of had to end up putting on hold for now, but let's hope the transition is smooth enough that it's not that noticeable. This chapter is set about a month after the whole Coach Ross fiasco (which, just a side note, they haven't found a replacement for him yet). Anyway, next chapter is just gonna be the Avengers and Adelaide so yay.

Also, can I just say WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE CAP!




It was a very rainy day in New York. Well, more like a rainy week. It had been raining constantly all week long and Adelaide was getting tired of all the gray outside. It was making her sick. She had gotten a very small cold a couple days ago, but she didn't dare sniffle around Pepper or that woman was going to stick Adelaide in bed and keep her there until she wasn't sick anymore. Adelaide shivered at the thought and maybe from her cold. She couldn't imagine having to stay in bed all day.

"Adelaide! You're gonna be late for school!" Pepper yelled from the kitchen. Just as she was about to zip up her backpack, she sneezed, causing everything to fall to the floor. Groaning, Adelaide bent over to stuff everything into her backpack again. This day was proving to be very annoying. As she was standing up, she caught sight of herself in the mirror. Wow, she looked terrible. Pepper was never going to let her leave the Tower if she showed up like this. Adelaide used a little light coming from the window to lessen the red on her nose and make herself look a little more awake. There. All fixed.


"I'm coming, I'm coming!" she shouted, dragging herself out of her room. She realized her voice sounded very nasal which would be a big giveaway. Her powers couldn't fix that. Pepper emerged from the kitchen, two cups of coffee in her hand. She handed one to Adelaide who was so grateful to be able to hold something warm. Pepper tilted her head, curiously studying the teenager. There was something...different about her this morning.

"Are your eyes...glowing?" she asked. Adelaide's eyes grew wide. Crap. She'd completely forgotten about that. Adelaide shook her head quickly. If she talked, then her voice would definitely give her away. She couldn't say a word. Not entirely convinced, Pepper went to grab her raincoat and Adelaide headed towards the door. Just before her hand could reach the doorknob, Pepper stopped her. Adelaide closed her eyes, cursing at how hard it was to hide a cold. Slowly, the teenager turned around with one eyebrow raised in question.

"I'm coming with you today," Pepper said, "I have a meeting and it's down the same road Happy's taking you." Adelaide suppressed a groan. Did she have to have her meeting today of all days? Pepper ruffled her hair.

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