Chapter Eighty-Eight

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A/N: GUESS WHOSE SEMESTER FINISHES TOMORROWWWW. THATS RIGHT ITS MEEEEEE IM DONEEEE WITH HIGH SCHOOLL FOREVERRRRR but i cant go to my own graduation lol so whatever. also tomorrow is my physics final and im def gonna fail so

the stupid adults divided our graduation in half based on last name so i cant graduate with my friends but it doesn't matter cause im not even going so. never thought my high school would end like this. but then everyone basically rioted and then it got pushed back to june. just goes to show how unpredictable life is. and now there's murder hornets here in the us???

i cant tell if this is mother nature laughing at us or if the world is just about to end.

either way, here's the new chapter! and it's twice as long as usual! :)

"Don't play dumb, Tony.

You know this is all your fault."

Tony was tired.

Of everything.

He sighed, running a hand down his face. He rested his elbow on side of the car door and pinched the bridge of his nose. He hated yelling at the kid. But what he had done was obviously punishable...right? He didn't know how to do this mentor thing. In his defense, his father hadn't exactly laid out the best example to follow.

He glanced over at the suit sitting on the car seat beside him.

I just wanted to be like you.

You don't understand. Please.

This is all I have. I'm nothing without this suit.

Tony exhaled, closing his eyes. He felt a headache beginning behind his eyes. Was it supposed to be this hard? He had done the right thing...hadn't he? He felt terrible about it even though he knew he shouldn't. The billionaire ran his tongue over his teeth in frustration, looking out the window of the car as city sped by him.

The Blue Phantom. She was here.

Tony didn't know what was right or wrong anymore. Had he done the right thing when he pushed Adie away?

He just...He needed someone to tell him he was doing the right thing, making the right decisions even if they were hard. He needed someone who could understand what he was going through. Someone who would just listen. What he needed was his Adie so she could wrap her arms around him and hold him like she used to before.

What did you do when the person you needed was the person you had pushed away?

Suddenly, his phone rang in his blazer and he fished it out, blocking out his depressing thoughts. He didn't need everyone who ever called him to know how depressed he was. But this time, it was only Pepper.

"I'm gonna guess you saw the news," he sighed.

"When were you going to tell me?"

"I didn't know we were sharing things now. Are we on a talking basis? In that case, I finished a bottle of Chateau Margaux last night while watching reruns of Miami Vice in my hotel room. Still a little hungover. Your turn."

"I know we have our differences, but you know Adelaide has always been more important than that."

"Differences? Is that what we're calling it?" Tony asked, shifting in his seat.

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