Chapter Twenty-Six

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A/N: I'M NOT DEAD AND I'M REALLY SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPLOADING IN LIKE 3 WEEKS BUT LIFE CALLED AND I HAD SO SO SO SO SO MUCH STUFF TO DO I WAS PHYSICALLY INCAPABLE OF BEING EVEN SLIGHTLY CREATIVE BUT IT LITERALLY TOOK ME THREE WHOLE WEEKS TO WRITE THIS DAMN CHAPTER AND I AM SUPER DUPER UPER SMUPER SORRY. Seriously, I didn't mean to ghost you guys. :') I would never do that to you or this story. I just love it too damn much. I know it doesn't make up for the super late update, but this chapter is like 8,000 words long.

So what happened was I had this religious thing going on for like two weekends in a row and I wasn't able to finish any of my actual homework so I was like sUpER stressed for two weeks trying to get stuff done on time and ya girl was clinically sleep deprived (and super dehydrated, but I'm always dehydrated) for two whole weeks but I am doing SO MUCH BETTER NOW. I didn't have that religious thing this weekend and I was able to get SO MUCH CRAP DONE and I literally feel so lightweight and refreshed and I'm running on a rare 10 hours of sleep like yo, that almost never happens. I finally feel a bit ahead of the game and I'm getting my work done on time so I can feel the stress dropping and yeah. I'm doing much better, but I am super sorry that I didn't update for three weeks, but college does come before this story because I'm payin' for it (well, my parents are) and I get super stressed when I don't get my work done and I can't concentrate on anything else until I get my work done, and I hate that about myself but what can you do? :/

Hopefully, this disaster won't happen again and we're back on schedule. Hopefully. I kinda have no idea what's gonna happen in the next chapter so...

I don't know about you, but I definitely need a refresher on what happened last time we were here. So they all went to the spider exhibit and Peter got bitten by a radioactive spider but just shrugged it off like it was no biggie because, let's face it, we all get bitten by radioactive spiders all the time. And the best thing to do is to not tell anyone. Not even if you feel sick to your stomach and pass out on the floor in your room while shaking in cold sweat. Seriously, no biggie. Then Peter wakes up and BAM he's spIDER-MAN. Wish that could happen to me. *slides Marvel a $20*

This chapter is mainly focused on the HYDRA and Adie thing. We do get a little bit of Graves because he's getting HELLA impatient. Being a high school coach just isn't his forté, let's be honest. And there's some Flash and Peter acting HELLA arrogant and getting in trouble for it. This chapter picks up right where the last one left off.

I just wanna point out that since Peter is Spider-Man now, a lot of things are going to start happening at once and things might feel rushed, but I promise everything is according to plan which is what I have scribbled on the back of a gum wrapper somewhere in my backpack. Lmao, just kidding. I've got it planned out better than that. Well, somewhat.

"We torture people in the dungeon downstairs.

And we make a secret language
that no one else knows about.

Oh and Steve won't admit it, but I found
knitting needles in his room once."

"Yo, Adelaide! Where's Penis Parker?" Flash shouted from across the gym. Adelaide rolled her eyes at the childish nickname, and he gave her a cocky smile in return.

"Did the itsy bitsy spiders scare him away?" Flash retorted and he and his friends bursted out in laughter while Adelaide rolled her eyes again at his terrible taunts. Did he actually think he was funny? Although, neither Flash nor Adelaide knew the true extent of the effect that the "itsy bitsy spider" had on Peter Parker.

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