Chapter Seventeen

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A/N: A little late, but I think it's alright. School starts in a week and I have no idea what to expect or how I'm going to force this story into my schedule. But don't worry, I'll figure it out somehow because I love this story and I want to finish it. Although, I should warn you that I've never actually finished any of my stories and this might be the first one.

So I just finished Iron Man 3 and, yes, I am rewatching all of the Marvel movies just for the heck of it. I watched The Avengers yesterday and it's even better than I remember it ("Hulk...smash!"). Ah, good movies.

Alright so this chapter is (unfortunately) the last chapter from Age of Ultron and a lot of it is literally just wrapping up emotions and loose ends. It starts with some inner monologue from Adelaide. You know how in movies the character is talking, but like on the screen they're just driving or something? It's like that. Picture Adie sitting in a car, looking out the window, wind blowing in her hair, and you hear her voiceover saying what she's thinking. I don't know if I'm making any sense. Anyway, there's gonna be a little more of Wanda in this scene and THE BIG REVEAL. You guys FINALLY get to see what Adie's superhero name is gonna be and I think it sounds pretty menacing and suits her power perfectly. Once again, I just wanna thank the people who helped me out with that because it really helped me make a decision even though it took a whole week after that. Maybe the other name that I didn't pick but really wanted to can be for another fic. Lmao let me just try to get through this one first.

The rest of the chapter after The Reveal is just Adie wrapping up her emotions and expressing how the past month or so has been for her and how she's been handling it. Also, you know how we've been kind of having a Graves drought for a while now? Well, I fixed that. Oh, and I swear he killed Ross for a reason. You'll see why in this chapter. Gosh. I'm so excited!

"We're gonna

have so much fun


MAY 28, 2015

It's been 22 days since the Battle of Sokovia and 22 nights since I've gotten any sleep.

I still think about her. Every breathing moment of my day, I think about her. She's always on my mind. I keep the doll close. Tony helped me fix it up and I'm sure Rosie would be proud of how beautiful it looked now. Just like her. She comes in my nightmares and I have to watch her die over and over again in a million different ways. I don't know how many more times I can watch it.

Ever since the battle, I've toyed with the idea of death in my mind. It's...different. An escape from all the horrors and suffering of reality. In the moment that I was falling through the sky, I felt death. It was so close, whispering in my ear to come closer.

But in that moment, I knew that there was so much more I wanted to do before I died. Although I'm not sure if I'll ever get my memories back, that wasn't one of the things I wanted to do. I wanted to feel alive again. I wanted to be comfortable in my own skin. I wanted to get to know who Adelaide Maxwell Rivers really was.

I ask myself that a lot. Who am I? Until recently, I've been stumbling around clumsily in attempts to find the answer. But I know in my heart that the answer will come to me one day. I've stopped searching and, instead, I've started to build my own identity. Not many people have the chance to start over. I had that chance.

My life started over the day I woke up in the Tower. Now, I'm making my own person, my new life.

There are only two people in this world that I'd give my life for because I know they would do the same for me. Tony and Pepper haven't left my side since the battle. They've been my pillars, my crutches. They've been there to help to stand up again. It's been hard to let go when rock bottom felt so comfortable.

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