Chapter Forty-Two

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A/N: Helllooo wonderful people. So I don't really know what else to say lmao. There's a scene here that I think you guys will realllly like, I know I did.

Other than that, enjoy!

"Oh Pepper hide yourself and

where did you throw my pants?"

"So what's going on with you, kid?" Happy asked, turning down the radio in the car. Adelaide glanced at him.

"What do you mean?" she asked. Happy shrugged, turning onto the street where Peter lived. It was later in the afternoon that same day and Adelaide was still pretty shaken up.

"You look lost in your own head," Happy stated. Adelaide rolled her eyes.

"I'm fine, Happs," the teenager answered.

"That's what everyone says," Happy said, rolling his own eyes. He started whistling to some tune playing from the radio and he parked the car in front of the apartment building where Peter lived. "I'll be here at 7, kiddo."

"See you, Happs," she answered, stepping out of the car. As she walked up the stairs, she couldn't help but think about how right Happy had been. She really was lost in her own head. Her thoughts felt so muddled, she couldn't tell where one ended and another began. It was a continuous cycle of FRIDAY's voice echoing in her mind and her stomach tying itself into knots. Her instincts were trying to warn her of something but she couldn't tell what; she couldn't remember.

Adelaide pressed the doorbell, shuffling on her feet. The teenager felt like there were a million eyes watching her even though she was alone in this hallway. Aunt May finally opened the door, her face lifting up into a big smile.

"Adelaide!" the woman exclaimed, pulling the teenager into a tight hug, "It's so nice to see you!"

"Y-You too, May," Adelaide said, trying to breathe through the bone-crushing hug. Finally, May released her and Adelaide let out a breath of relief.

"How have you been!" May asked, dragging her to the kitchen. Adelaide glanced around for help, but Peter was nowhere to be seen.

"I've been great, May, how about you?" the teenager asked, pushing herself onto the stool as May rummaged through the fridge for something. She came back with a slice of cake and handed it to the teenager.

"I've been fine," she answered with a smile, "How are your studies going?"

"They're...alright. Has Peter told you about the science fair?" Adelaide asked.

"Has he told me? That's all he talks about. Mr. Stark this and Mr. Stark that and on and on and on – do you want some milk with that?"

"No, thank–"

"Oh I almost forgot I need to call the plumber to fix a leak in the bathroom! I'll call Peter to come out," May said, standing up abruptly and hurrying out of the kitchen. Adelaide sat there with her mouth hanging open.

"Oh, Peter, Adelaide is outside and I'm calling the plumber," the teenager heard May say from the hallway.

"Okay Aunt May, tell me what he says," she heard Peter answer before he walked into the kitchen. He saw Adelaide sitting there, frozen and he offered her a small smile before opening up the fridge.

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