Chapter Fifty-One

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Ya'll. College hasn't even started and it's already hard. Do you know how complicated it is to apply for college? There's soooooo many little details they give you a headache. I might just drop out of college and become a stripper or some crap lmaoo.

Anyway, you are like really gonna hate me after this. Sorry not sorry.

But there's one of my favorite pictures of my husband to make up for it ;)

"If you don't take out the trash,

I'll sell your phone while you sleep."

Peter didn't come to school for that whole week and, by Friday, Adelaide was beginning to get worried.

"Miss Rivers, may I speak with you for a moment?" Mr. Hans asked after her algebra class had ended. It was too early in the morning for another one of his get-your-act-together-young-lady-or-you're-going-to-fail lectures. She could already feel a headache making a debut behind her eyes.

"Sure," she sighed, gathering her books and telling Ned to wait outside for her. Mr. Hans was sitting behind his desk in a manner that would make a queen proud. He smiled politely as she approached him, but Adelaide knew that nothing good came from Mr. Hans smiling.

"Your grades, Miss Rivers. They're - oh how do I put this nicely...they're horrible," he said blatantly. It wasn't anything Adelaide hadn't already heard before. "You would imagine that with the end of the year coming up, they would have improved. However, they have seemingly gotten worse. Is there any particular reason for this...drop in grades?"


"No," she said, fidgeting with the books in her hand and then she added, "Sir."

"I am afraid that I am going to have to give you an ultimatum, Miss Rivers. Either you raise your grades or you will fail this class."

"Fine," she mumbled, wishing the conversation would end just so she could get out of here. The smiling calculator poster behind his desk seemed to be mocking her and it was beginning to make her feel uncomfortable.

"And since I care about my students personally," he started and Adelaide knew she wasn't going to like the rest of his sentence but she refrained from making a beeline for the door, "I have signed you up for mathematics tutoring in the library every Monday after school in hopes that perhaps a tutor can help you improve your grades."

"I don't need tutoring," she mumbled, trying not to roll her eyes, "Sir."

"The lack of a particular vowel in your report card seems to think otherwise, Miss Rivers," he said.

"Fine," she groaned, "I'll do the freaking tutoring."

"Good," he smiled, "You are dismissed."

Adelaide made sure to slam the door on her way out.


A knock on her bedroom door made her look up from her math homework. For a moment, she had forgotten that Pepper was gone so it was a bit surprising to find the billionaire standing there.

"Hey," he greeted, walking in and taking a seat on her bed. She bit her tongue from scolding him when he kicked his shoes up on the covers. He was wearing a Black Sabbath shirt which he had been wearing for three days now and was in dire need of a good wash.

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