Chapter Seventy-Eight

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A/N: You guys I'm so tired imma deadass cry.

I have a physics exam tomorrow and I can't like my head is literally boutta explode from all this studying no cap. I just gotta make it two more months till graduation *cries in college*

ANYway, life update over, about this chapter. It's a lil on the short side. I wrote most of it yesterday. Haven't really had time to proofread it so please point out my mistakes so I can fix them. Other than that, there's a tiny cliffhanger and hopefully I can get the next chapter out on time.

Btw, that picture up there?? Hotttt. I don't really see him as the prince but I just love that picture of him on the right omg. He could literally cut me with that jawline *cries*

Okay, okay, here's the chapter

"You're the man who killed the Avengers.

And it cost you everything."

Tony was back in the penthouse.

It was well past human hours to be awake. But he couldn't sleep so he was sitting on the sofa as usual, holding a bottle of beer in one hand and the tv remote in the other. There was a discarded pizza box, half under the sofa and another bottle of beer rolling on the hardwood floor.

"Again, Tony?" someone said, switching the tv off. He hadn't been watching it anyway. She took the bottle out of his hands, putting it on the table beside him. He sighed tiredly, rubbing his face.

She sat down across from him.

"You need to get over her," she said, her blue eyes sparkling in the dark, "She wasn't good for you."

Tony sat up. He ran his hand through his hair. He didn't understand why Adie was saying that. She loved Pepper as much as he did.

"I just...wish I could have done something different," he sighed, rubbing his eyes, "I wish I hadn't hurt her as much as I had." He let his feet hit the ground, resting his forearms on his thighs. Something ached in his stomach.

"You'll always hurt people, Tony," she said gently, "It's part of who you are."

He sighed. She stood up, coming up to stand beside him. She rested her hand on his head and he looked up at her with his bloodshot eyes. She smiled softly. Her eyes glowed.

"Maybe you and I are more alike than you think," she whispered. He looked away.

"How so?" he mumbled. She down on the sofa beside him.

"We always do more harm than good," she said quietly, "I don't have the energy to worry about other people anymore. People like us only look out for ourselves, you know?"

"Not true," he said, "You take care of me. More than I'd like to admit."

Adie smiled. "Do I?"

He frowned, "What do you mean?"

"You think I like being around here to take care of someone who's broken beyond repair? You're a dead end, Tony. A...sickness you can't cure. I'm only here because I needed something from you."

He looked at her curiously, "What?"

Adie grinned.

"You're gullible. It makes you vulnerable. Can't you see that I've only used you from the first moment I walked through the door? You were the key to destroying the Avengers. The weak link. And it worked like a charm."

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