Chapter One

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A/N:  Adelaide is my new obsession and this story kind of just popped into my head out of nowhere. This is a Peter Parker x OC fanfic, but it's a little more than that because Adelaide will have a relationship with other Avengers too.

The story is set well after Iron Man 3 and about a little less than a year before Age of Ultron. My goal is to continue the story into Infinity War and Avengers 4.

Also, this is how I picture Adelaide so you can get the idea of what she looks like in my head when I write.

I won't drag this out any longer, so here it is!

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I won't drag this out any longer, so here it is!

"...I've always wanted a

strange teenager to show

up at my doorstep,

half dead."

When Adelaide Rivers woke up in the Stark Tower, she had no idea how she got there or why her head felt as if it was being repeatedly hit with a hammer.

No, she didn't know why Tony Stark's head of security, Happy Hogan, was pacing in front of her, talking on the phone in a hushed manner. No, she didn't have any recollection of anything before she opened her eyes. No, she couldn't figure out why Happy looked so worried when she began to stand up. And no, she didn't know why she felt so dizzy.

There was a loud ringing in her ears that she couldn't shake off and it seemed to block all other sounds. Her vision was blurry, yet she couldn't clear it up no matter how many times she blinked or shook her head.

At first, it was quiet. Then it got louder and louder until, all at once, her vision and hearing cleared immediately. She could then clearly see Happy forcing her to sit down as her dizziness began to fade away and the room turned right side up.

"Hey, hey, kid you alright?" She rubbed her forehead, begging it to stop pounding. It seemed to be screaming at her.

"I – what? Where am I?" she asked, dazed. Happy paused for a heartbeat, contemplating.

"The Stark Tower," he answered. She looked at him in dismay.


"Look, kid. I don't know you, you don't know me, okay? So let's start with me. I'm Happy Hogan, Tony Stark's head of security." Adelaide could do nothing more than blink at him, causing him to release a heavy sigh.

"...And this would be the part where you tell me who you are," he said slowly. She blinked once again.

"I –" Suddenly, the ringing in her ears hit her again. She pressed her hands against her ears, trying to get it to stop, when the dizziness started once again. Adelaide felt her stomach tying itself into a tight knot and suddenly, her vision went dark.

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