Chapter Twenty

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A/N: Wow I am so late. It took me an entire week to get this chapter out, but the most frustrating thing is that I would've had it out Friday if it weren't for my terrible planning of the chapter. Honestly, it's starting to get annoying but I don't have any time to work on that so I guess I'm going to keep stumbling through this story until I finally pull myself together. I am going to warn you guys that updates will probably be as slow as this from here on out because college has starteddddd. God, it has literally been four days (four days!) of college and I'm already behind on my work. College has so much reading and half the time I don't even know what I'm doing lol. And the fact that I'm doing early college doesn't make figuring things out easier. But yeah, if I'm gonna want to keep this story updated on time every week then I'm going to have to start making time for it in my planner because writing it on my phone in my bed before I fall asleep isn't very effective apparently. I can only get a couple paragraphs before I'm out like a lightbulb lol.

Anyway, enough about me, let's talk about this chapter. Writing it, I kind of felt like it was all over the place but maybe that was just me. And it was probably because like 75% of the chapter has been cut and pasted. I've moved around entire scenes and dialogues and my 'bloopers' or 'deleted scenes' list is starting to grow freakishly long. I'm thinking about posting those at the end of this story, once it's all wrapped up. Hopefully, that's still a long ways down the road. I drifted off again. Back to this chapter. So, like I said, it's kind of all over the place but (I don't want to spoil anything) this is chapter where the Big Thing happens and now that it happened, I don't know what to do after this chapter, as usual. I always figure it out somehow so I guess it'll be the same frustration and hair pulling until I figure it out this time. I will say though, that after this chapter, nothing is ever the same again...

Okay, last thing I want to say is how amazing you guys are because if it weren't for all my readers, I honestly don't think I'd still be posting this story and you all keep me motivated which is huge feat you probably don't realize because I'm easily unmotivated but I don't think I've ever loved a story of mine as much as I love this one and I don't think I've ever had these many amazing readers before ever. Thank you so much for all your support and understanding and you guys truly mean a lot to me and Adie and this story.


"Happy was not happy."


Happy was not happy.

"So you broke this guy's nose?" Adelaide sighed, frustrated as she leaned her head back against the car seat. She looked at him through the rearview mirror.

"He was making fun of me, alright? And that was weeks ago, I already pain my detention for it," she grumbled.

"You got detention and didn't tell me!"

"Eyes on the road, Happs!"

"Don't tell me what to do!" he shouted and Adelaide rolled her eyes. Who knew he'd get so mad over something so small and irrelevant? The teenager realized that they had arrived at the school already.

"Hey I promise if I break another guy's nose, you'll be the first to know, okay?" Someone honked at them to move out of the way and Happy honked back angrily.

"I don't want you breaking any more noses," he said and Adelaide nodded solemnly. "But if you do...don't." Adelaide held back a laugh. Typical.

"Bye, Happs," she said, sliding out or the car.

"Don't get in trouble, kid," he said and Adelaide grinned, watching him drive away. She stood there a moment longer before turning on her heel and walking towards the school.

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