Chapter One Hundred Thirty-Nine

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A/N: hi so i think i'm cursed bc i have had a breakdown every day for the past two weeks and i am so insanely stressed that i just cannot wait for summer break at this point, i need it right now please

anyway, i took a test yesterday and i have finals next week but lucky for you guys, i've already written a chapter for next week so you don't need to wait for an extra long time for one :)

as for this chapter...thank me later ;)


"He really needs you, you know that?"


Peter didn't come to school the next day either.

He never missed more than one day of school at a time. He cared too much about his grades and attendance for that. On top of that, she hadn't heard from him in two days. No texts, no phone call, nothing. And when she asked Ned if he had talked with him, the boy said that he hadn't been able to get a hold of him either.

And that was when Adelaide began to worry.

There was a chance that he was angry with her, but he always returned Ned's calls or messages. That was just a part of their friendship, apparently. Even if they were furious with each other, they would always return any calls or messages.

But Adelaide knew that if Peter wasn't talking to Ned, then something was seriously wrong.

May had continued to update her over the past couple days, saying that Peter was looking slightly better, but even May hadn't texted her this morning like she usually did before she went off to work. Something about this whole thing just felt off.

"You okay?" Vivian asked her. Adelaide looked up from her lunch tray, realizing that the girl was talking to her.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine," she mumbled back distractedly. Vivian glanced at MJ who had looked away from her sketchbook long enough to share a worried look with Vivian.

"Really?" MJ asked, "Because you look like this to me." The curly-haired girl held up her sketchbook to show Adelaide the sketch she had made of her. The girl in the sketch looked miserable. Adelaide sighed.

"Fine. I'm not okay," Adelaide admitted as MJ put her book away again, "I'm just worried about Peter. He hasn't been to school in two days."

"Have you tried texting him?" Vivian asked. Adelaide avoided her gaze.

"...No," she admitted, "We...We had this really weird moment a couple days ago in the nurse's office and I think he might be mad at me? Or maybe he thinks that I'm mad at him? I-I don't know, it's all confusing."

"Maybe he'll come around," MJ said.

Adelaide shrugged, still unsure. They had also had that weird moment that night on the balcony where she thought there was something he was going to say, but he just swung off instead. They hadn't talked about it since. And now this thing. She wasn't really sure how to address this.

"Hey MJ, have you gotten Mr. Harrington's permission slip to use the gym after school on Monday?" Vivian asked.

"Not yet," MJ said, "I haven't been able to meet him this week. I'll try to get it today."

"If you can't get it, I can go talk to him," Vivian said, "We need it by tomorrow, before the weekend."

Adelaide paused. Then she turned to Vivian.

From The Dark | Peter Parker x OC ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt