05 | Inside The Houses

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THE STADIUM WAS ALREADY filled with students when Max, Ari, and Felix got there. The students were divided into four levels: Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors. Each level is then divided into four classes; Class A to Class D. Everyone is seated at the bleachers according to their year and class, but there are empty seats in the middle. For anyone who has a brain, it's obvious that the brotherhoods would be seated there.

    Everything still looks like a school gym, but they call it a stadium to keep the medieval theme of the school consistent.

     "How many years did they even construct this?" Max asks as he continues to admire the structure of the building.

     "It took them five years. But worry not, you'll know about it eventually. There's a special class for it." Ari explains with no further detail.

     "Our class is seated there." Felix then tells them as he points at the bleachers where the other 2nd year students are seated.

     The three of them walk their way to the bleachers. And while they were walking, students stared and whispered at each other like earlier, but this time Ari knew that it wasn't about the tire-stained peak cap. It was about Max Sinclaire.

     Others might not know the gravity of how powerful this boy is, but Max holds the balance of the business world in his slender fingers. His father owns the most successful hotels and casinos in the world, while his mother is known as one of the super elites who was once a member of the famous group Crème de la crème like Max. They're old money, so their riches branched out from generation to generation. Max is the only heir to both riches, so imagine the power and wealth that he will obtain once he inherits it all. Presidents and CEOs would bow down on their feet if he wanted them to.

     "Max, I've always wondered; why did you decide to enroll here all of a sudden? It's obvious that you don't even know about what's going on in this school, so why?" Ari asks when they were already sitting on the bleachers with the rest of their classmates.

     Felix looks at Max, curious about what his answer would be too.

     Max was staring at the students who were finding their seats as he answers them, "I respect our family and bring pride to its name. I am not ashamed of being a Sinclaire because there is absolutely no reason for me not to. But with all the advantages and responsibilities that come with it, I still want to prove myself without people shoving into my face that I did it because I'm a Sinclaire. My uncle told me this was the right place to start."

     "So you want to prove your worth?" Ari asks, and Max nods his head as an answer.

     "If that's the case then maybe you should raise your rank first." Felix suggests, but then Ari butts in and says, "Raising one's rank is the ideal plan for every student in J.S High, but if you really want to make a name for yourself, you have to—"

     Ari was interrupted by the sudden roar of the students. They turn their heads toward the stage and spot a familiar face. It's the president of the Elites, Ian Rothman. Ian made a huge impression during the Freshmen orientation. The way he spoke and the way he presented himself was enough to make Max respect him.

     "Good morning House of Kings!" Ian shouts, causing the students to shout even louder.

     As the students continue to hype themselves up, Ari leans closer to Max and increases the volume of his voice so he could hear him. "That's what you have to target if you want people to see your worth."

     Felix realizes Ari's point and immediately nods his head in agreement.

     "The Elites?" Max asks.

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