94 | Help From Rank 9

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MAX THOROUGHLY READS THE notes that he borrowed from Felix. Since he was at the clinic yesterday, he had to catch up with the lessons. Thankfully, after their PE class, they have homeroom with sir Barron, and fortunately for them, their homeroom teacher was having a meeting with the Elites since they're finally going to have their Monthly Reranking Announcement on Friday.

     The class was noisy as usual, and that honestly wasn't enough to break Max's concentration. What really bothered him was the fact that his classmates and even students from outside the room were looking at him because of one person and one person only...

     "When are you planning to leave?" Max finally asks, turning his head to the side to look at the man who stole Ari's seat, Axel, also known as the frontman of the famous band, the Monarchs.

     "You're seriously a pain. Did you even hear what I just said? Your other members already left. People are going to make up a bunch of rumors about me again," Max complains.

     Axel, who was casually playing games on his phone, looks at Max and says, "They had to go back to their classes since they're not as smart as I am. And the boss said to make sure we assist you, so until you tell us what you need, I'm not leaving."

     "There's nothing that I need. What on earth could you possibly give me?!" Max asks in annoyance, making the students start whispering at each other again, probably talking about how brave Max is to be talking to Axel like that.

     At this point, Max could already feel the fanboys' deadly stares.

     "Well, then I'll stay here a little longer then. I don't have much to do anyway," Axel says, brushing off Max's irruption as he goes back to playing with his phone.

     While Max tries his best not to lose his temper, Ari and Ervin, who was sitting beside Felix, couldn't help but look at Axel in amazement.

     "I can't believe those fuckers were the Ashes," Ari says with a soft tone so no one would be able to hear him.

     "I can't believe Max hasn't beaten the shit out of him," Ervin then adds, making Felix chuckle.

     While Felix continues to read his book, he glances at Max and Axel before saying, "If he didn't introduce himself as a member of the Ashes, Max would have already karate chopped him. But as confusing as Max's real relationship is with Cj, that man is still Cigarettes' underling. And what Max does to him might affect his chance in conquering them."

    Ari and Ervin couldn't help but be impressed by their little friend that Ari even started brushing Felix's hair like a kid, almost like they didn't have an argument earlier.

     "You really are a genius," Ari says. And before Felix could even get mad at Ari for ruining his hair, the school bell rings, signifying that classes were finally over.

     Max immediately closes Felix's notebook and stands from his seat, the rest of his classmates standing too so they could leave the room. Everyone starts leaving one by one while Axel was still playing with his phone, both of his feet resting on the chair that's in front of him like he was relaxing at home.

     Ari, Felix, and Ervin approach Max as Max looks back at Axel with an annoyed expression. "If you even try to follow me home I am seriously going to call the cops on you," he threatens.

    Axel, who wasn't even looking at Max anymore, answers back, "Don't worry, I'm actually going back to the studio now. If you're not aware, we're releasing our album tomorrow so we're going to be a bit busy. If you need anything, it's best you tell me now before I take my leave," he insists.

Kings On The Horizon (Vol. 1-3) ✓Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang